Health Care

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Health Care

Post by Tayler89 »

Just a glimps of what Obama and the libs want to do to you! ... r%3F/2153/
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Post by Roostius_Maximus »

i've never had trouble like that, i've gone to the 1 clinic in the city of Winkler and seen a doc in 45 minutes or so, was outta there in a little over an hour.
My boy bumped his eye and had a bleed in his retna (6pm), the wife took him to the ER (6:30 arrival), they assessed him in 10-15 minutes, he needed to get to winnipeg for a specialist, they could drive themselves, and if not could pay for an ambulace ride, they drove and were at the childrens hospital at 8pm, seen the specialist by 9:30, i arrived in winnipeg direct from Florida (was my planned return flight, just worked out) just after 10 and by the time i got to the hospital they'd already had him scanned with 1 machine, medicated, in his own room, and had a spare bunk for the wife to sleep on. I'd been up a little over 20 hours so i went on home after i knew everthing was alrite for the nite and returned in the morning, the next night we got a room in the attatched hotel for 45$ and beyond the food we ate+parking that was THEE expense. He needed to return 4 times, waited no more than an hour each time, got drops and the same inspection at 0$

Nick and my bro were riding at an indoor track out by home, nick wrecked and broke his leg 2" below the hip, from the time of the call, the ambulace arrived in 20 minutes, in 2 hours he was in a bed waiting for surgery in winnipeg, took 24 hours til that happened, and 2 days after that they wanted to release him already and he had to buy crutches
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Post by lewisclan »

Maybe because you live in a less populated area
And that video was taken in a city
Image"the game of life of is not so much in holding a good hand as playing a poor hand well"
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Post by Roostius_Maximus »

deffinately not as populated, or as east
"SOLID Bro!!"

Post by "SOLID Bro!!" »

I say if the government wants to set rules like this than they should have to use the system just like us.

I would love to see someone from Congress sitting in a down town D.C.
emergency room next to common people of the district.

How long do you think this health care system would be in place?

Its O.K. for us but no good enough for them...

So I say.

If you pass a law that you must abide by that law.
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Post by bigpower »

Every bit of that is the truth. My GF, a resident of Sarnia ON, waited almost a year to get a colonoscopy. Good luck (NO SHIT!!!!!!) finding a family Dr., you are basically ass packed there.

Everybody was sooooooo gung ho to get that Yard Ape elected, watch what happen in 5-6 yrs.

BTW, the GF gives the Govt. 44% of her earnings in taxes every yr.

Gotta pay for that "Stellar" health care.

O well, You'd think Ted Kennedy would be a Dead Kennedy by now, but you can bet your hinnie if it war one of us with the tumor, we'd have already been pushin up daisies
Kalkaska, the inbred capital of Michigan. ....a place you can walk into the greeting card aisle and find one that reads "Happy Birthday Uncle Dad"
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