I suggest evrybody research money creation!

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Slow old Fart
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I suggest evrybody research money creation!

Post by Slow old Fart »

We have a counterfeiting cartel that has seized control of the world. Once you understand how money is created by the central bankers for free and we all pay interest on it and you can never get out of debt you will understand why the guy's who put this country together demanded all payment's be backed by gold or silver or a commodity of some type.

All fiat currency have failed in the past because of fraud and fraud is taking over our system in a blaze because the money is being created and then funneled into the people who created it where they get it all, the whole world for free..

They are buying the whole world up with unrestrained printing of counterfeit money and then giving it to them selves or their buddies through the markets.

We are all being reduced to serfs on purpose buy the inflation this creates and the wealth transfer it creates by the banking people at the center buying everything up by getting money for nothing.

The bank bailout is a prime example. The fraud will continue unless people educate themselves about money and demand world wide reform on all levels.

Watch the movie the Money Master's to understand who is really running the world. The king of ENGLAND granted a counterfeiting license in the 1690's and the rest is history and all the history is pretty much lies because it has been rewriten by the counterfeiters.

THe USA is about out of time.
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Post by iggys-amsoil »

X 700 Billion.
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