CR 500 Hinson Billet Clutch Basket $197.62 shipped

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CR 500 Hinson Billet Clutch Basket $197.62 shipped

Post by BrianPaul69 »

Hello everyone, I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this but what the hell here it goes. I recently bought a 95 CR500 for $1500.00 from a guy at work that got the itch for a street bike and just needed it gone. It was pretty much re-done from top to bottom BUT I think some parts that were questionable were used over like the clutch basket. Reason being that I keep putting fresh trans oil in it before every day out and that night it looks pretty dirty and has shiny stuff in it. The shiny stuff won't stick to a magnet so I'm thinking clutch and basket material and since I haven't pulled it apart yet its just a best guess. Another thing is that the clutch is acting funny when I stop and have it running in gear. No matter how I adjust the cable it feels like its grabbing a little and I can't get it into neutral unless I put it in before I stop or click it in with the engine off. What also wierd is sometimes when I'm stopped with the engine running and the bike in gear its grabby and sometimes its not. Now when I'm riding the clutch is very solid and doesn't slip a bit or give me trouble shifting. I'm thinking the clutch basket has got those little grooves wearing into it from the clutch plates and thats causing it to not fully disengage all the time. There was also never any debris in the oil aside from a tiny piece or two of gasket sealer or something looking like it.

Ok, so lets get to the point already right... Well, for anyone wanting to upgrade I found the Hinson Clutch Baskets online anywhere from $215.00 to $250.00 plus shipping. Then I found them on Powersport for $227.50 and with a little more persistence pulled up another link that showed it for $192.35 plus shipping. ... 6-9845.htm

In case you need one for an 86-89 CR500 they have that one too : ... 6-9834.htm

Now, I bought from them before and remembered they have a facebook page that sometimes gives a coupon code and sure enough there it was for Turkey day !!!! another 5% off. I don't know how long it lasts either. ... 3408962533

So with the cheaper price and the 5% discount I ended up getting the billet Clutch Basket shipped for $197.62 which I think was a pretty decent price.

Hope this helps and it might also make a swell Christmas gift.

Take care and keep the chunks flyin'
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