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Bring back the days of Ike!

Posted: May 13th, 2010, 8:47 am
by hoofarted
You know sometimes you have an idea and wonder if its been done before - and low and behold! It has! I must have slept through History class that day - or that topic was simply omitted. I do live in Kommiefornia, after all. All this fuss about Arizona's decision to enforce certain laws got me thinking - what if the entire nation were follow suit? Then I discovered "Operation Wetback." I almost choked when I read the name. I could only imagine the mass outcry that would happen if it was re-enacted. Ah, the days when the US had balls. The next pres. needs to do the same thing Ike did in 1954. Push it from the top down. Remember that stupid "Day without a Mexican?" That was like a dream come true! No traffic for my 60 mile commute! It was awesome! I figure cost of living would go up a tad....because companies would be forced to hire US citizens - but one of the the end results would be much less unemployment, for sure! Oh, and anchor babies? Well they go with the parents! This whole mess simply isn't right and something radical has to happen - soon...:evil:

See below:

[youtube] ... re=related[/youtube]

Posted: May 13th, 2010, 9:06 am
by dannygraves
ohhh, the days before everything had to be PC and you couldn't offend anyone.....

Posted: May 13th, 2010, 9:33 pm
by NightBiker07
dannygraves wrote:ohhh, the days before everything had to be PC and you couldn't offend anyone.....
that will change. people are getting shit full of it.