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The GENIUS of Reagan

Posted: November 16th, 2009, 5:13 pm
by AlisoBob

The most shocking acpect of this speech...... he delivered in 1961!!!!!

In this brilliant speech given by the Gipper, he lays out with succinct simplicity HOW advocates of Socialism will try to sell their products to you, their devestating effects, and WHAT we could and should do in order to stop the slippery slope of Socialism.

God Damm I miss Reagan


Posted: December 3rd, 2009, 11:00 pm
by thestuz
gee my heart bleeds for those doctors. guess they cant all live in miami or beverley hills now. they might have to put a few extra ks on the bucatti lol. its not gonna be that bad.

socialism vs capitalism, lets see, would you rather the government of the usa own your country? or would you like emerging superpowers like money rich china or other private sectors to screw you,and come over and start buying things up? thats pretty much how it works. just a change of ownership.

either way i think the doctors are gonna be just fine.we got public health system and our doctors are as rich as any other country in comparison. and they work damn hard,we get our tax dollars worth
weve lost alot of our liberties, but that has nothing to do with socialism, more to do with do gooders.

im pretty sure those who fought for independence would be more concerned about 911 bullshit, dodgey wars and loss of civil rights more than doctors losing a piece of pie.

i think your high quality and standard of health care will still prevail too.
time will tell!

Posted: December 4th, 2009, 8:15 am
by redrocket190
Socialism plain doesn't work as a political system because it goes against human nature. Most of the perceived problems with capitalism can be traced to inefficient markets (lack of competition) and government intervention (direct or indirect).

All the current health care (and this is not about health insurance) plans are socialist in they force participation and distribute wealth from the relatively rich and healthy to the relatively sick and poor. Government involvement in any fashion guarantees that costs in the end run will be higher than predicted and health care will be rationed by wait time and/or denial of service (see UK etc..).

Liberty should be defended at every turn. There's no reason to cave on health care as if a trade off is needed with other anti-liberty steps taken by the Government.