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Posted: March 1st, 2009, 12:58 am
by Rosco-Peeko
Yeah....gonna start some shit. I remember the days that I built my own power PC' mobo, processor, sound card and graffix card to handle what ever I threw at it...Doom3....numerous aps...whatever! I generally had good luck. I always did my homework and kept up on things. But I found myself tweeking things a lot to keep it running smooth...viruses, spyware....conflicts...reboots...etc. Not to say I built lesser machines, one that is 2 years older than my Dell Laptop...runs circles around the Dell....

I want to say somewhere around 2005, I made a trek down to Bob's house, the first time. I think we were getting ready to head out to Hoonfest 05 to meet Tracy and the AZ bunch.

Bob and I goofed around in his office and I saw his puter.....was an iMac. I was curious...never really messed with one. He showed me the ropes with it...freaking cool! No just runs and runs smooth and fast. Got the wheels turning....

First came the iPod..nothing really...took it with me to the NCO Academy...great to work out with, small, compact, works well! Then came my G4 iMac........sold! I swore up and down I would never own another PC. It BS, its fast, is loaded with cool aps, sweet graphics. Its over 2 years old now....runs reboots, no conflicts...and is still fast. If someone is dickin around, I can get their IP and hack em.....standard software..... Sortly after there, came the iPhone. The MacPort Extreme...all my macs run off wireless.

Like I said, two years have past. I am looking down the barrel of another deployment to Kuwait. My Dell, mmmmm...had some issues with it but it worked "ok" on the last deployment.

I talked Ronny (my wife is known by most Socal hoons.....for...putting up with and feeding hoons). I talked her into getting another mac. Since my iMac has a built in webcam....I wanted to get a MacBookPro...easy to connect with her while I am gone...important shit you know!!!!

I dropped the cash on the 2009 MacBookPro.....its beyond nice! I had to wait a month before it would be delivered. Kinda pissed, I called Apple, they shot me $100 and dropped shipping charges....NICE!!! that is good customer service there!!!!

I finally got it, its the thinnest and lightest 17" laptop n the world. Its huge, is very fast, HD LCD......freaking nice! Another cool thing about Apple...compact and less wires all over the place.

They runs STRONG, FAST and without any issues....Thanks Bob! Looking for a SOLID mocheen, with zero problems....Give Mac a shot!

Unwrapping my 17" MPB-Pro:

Less than an inch thick......

Next to my iMac:

My screen brightness was only up 1/2 on the MBP.....

Posted: March 1st, 2009, 1:42 am
by arleybeer40
dam nice. wish i would have gotten one of those instead of my compaq

Posted: March 1st, 2009, 7:03 am
by sabreguy
Yep my next puter is going to be a mac. But I do have to say my Gateway is still going strong since I got it in 04/05.

Posted: March 2nd, 2009, 3:34 pm
by south central hoon
I have the same imac at home, and a macbook pro and a quad processor G5 at work.
oh, and an iphone in my pocket.
PCs blow.

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 5:17 pm
by 4Z
I use a macbook pro but is a 2007 model. I am in love with it for the same reasons. Our whole company went to them. Our server is still windows. For business, I prefer MS office and Autodesk doesn't make a CAD version for mac. Turbo cad is not the same.

Still have 4 hot rod PC boxes at the house, like the one in my garage that I am using now. As they bite the dust I won't replace them with anything other than macs.

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 6:53 pm
by Roostius_Maximus
I was a mac guy a long time ago, i think it was the First LC III in the store, dammn fast, excellent machine, I'd stil be using it if the floppy hadnt died. Hypercard and programs like that kicked ass for drawing technical things. I know i could switch back in my head, but i've got such a stack of these dammn pc's to burn thru it will take me a long time to burn up everything. And i got so good at them now too.
Nice buy!

Posted: March 16th, 2009, 7:13 am
by Rosco-Peeko
A few years ago, I built a hot rod PC....Asus mobo, Corsair Ram, 3G Intel processor, Maxtor Sata HDD, SB X-Fi, ATI.... It was blazing fast! Or so I thought, the iMac is faster. As I previously mentioned, I bought my iMac to replace my power PC. I ended up giving my PC to my son...

I worked on that thing all day yesterday! It had a a nasty virus that disabled the sound card, would not let windows update....or anything for that matter and would bring up multiple windows. Trojan Horse SHeur...nasty bugger. I finally got it contained. Fixed everything and and dropped a copy of my 50G iTunes library on there for him to jam to.

While it was for my boy and for a good reason it was an utter pain in the ass! Working with a PC again.....glad to be back on the mac. This just solidified my opinion. When the PC does kiel-over, I'll get him a mac. Problem free......

The only windows based product I use on my Mac is Office. I have used them all of my career. I can do the work at home on the mac and send it into work and it's compatible with the PC's.....kind of a bonus.

Posted: March 19th, 2009, 7:18 pm
by Steve_K
I have a 20" IMac also. I love it. Like you said no worries. Dude

Posted: March 20th, 2009, 8:20 am
by dannygraves
I used to work for Capo USD which use apple for all the elementary schools and dell for the high schools. Dell was on top of it, but we had tons of issues, the only issue we ever had with the macs was the first gen iMac didn't have enough glue holding the handle on and a few handles broke, but even falling a few feet the imacs never broke :wink: solid product. Of coarse the problems with PCs are how I make my living, so... SSSSSSHHHHHHHHHH :D

Posted: March 20th, 2009, 8:35 am
by hoofarted
Yeah but you will never see an enterprise level server from crapple. Unless IBM buys them too...Our support is really spotty for macs. They're great desktops and laptops - but thats about it. Real popular with the artists, too.

Posted: March 20th, 2009, 8:42 am
by dannygraves
yeah, at CUSD we only ran mac servers at the schools running macs and they were limited to file servers and thats about it.

Posted: March 20th, 2009, 12:53 pm
by hoofarted
oh and when they do fail, they are not cheap in the least to repair. At my last job, we were an authorized repair facility and i saw some pretty hefty repair bills for the ones not under warranty any longer. Those 1st gen iMACs were absolute junk! But this was about 9 years ago now...

Posted: March 29th, 2009, 9:36 am
by Rosco-Peeko
For what I use them for, iChat with the wifey when I am in the AOR (sandbox), school, pics, and the usual computer duties its a hard computer to beat. No conflicts, no driver issues, viruses, spyware or blue screen of death.

Yes they are pricey, why you ask.... They are built with a hell of a lot better quality products than your store bought PC that is filled with components by the lowest bidder. Unless you build your own pc's

I have apple care in case, by chance, it does shit the bed...they fix it. Apple has great customer service also, they have treated me well. I cannot complain. I tried talking to microsoft once...they tried to charge me just for talking to them.

Posted: April 3rd, 2009, 5:12 pm
by Rosco-Peeko
Not a big suprise...
Apple outscores all the known PC makers in all a PC magazine.... :lol:

Posted: May 4th, 2009, 2:37 pm
by kdizzle
so i will throw in my 2 cents..

If you are a standard user the MAC is fine. it will go on the internet, get mail and let you make video's and Photoshop like a champ. However you are subject to the evil apple empire and have no way around things like DRM (Digital Rights managment) and thier software restrictions.

If you are any type of power user the MAC falls short, and as mentioned in the enterprise and business world they arent worth a damm. I dread when a user comes in and needs thier mac setup "like a pc" when interfacing with corporate networks there is constant problems and issues when trying to interface with non apple systems.

Apple does have its place in the world though, if you are content with the out of box options and software provided with machine it will be a great. However when you try to do something "outside the box" (like turn my computer into a DVR and play different file formats) the wheels come off. THe PC is Infinitely more configurable and has lots more you can do with it. THis is also its achillies heel as windows will run software from any tom dick or harry, whether the program is written properly or not. Outside software is the cause of 90% of PC problems. IMO the PC is just fine provided that the user knows not to click on every box that pops up from the internet and doesnt install every piece of software known to man.

I work with Hundreds of machines daily and have to say the HP / Compaq's are shit. Dont buy one ever. I have the best luck with DELL and feel they offer pretty damm good customer support when something does go wrong. they also are good about replacing parts. If you go to Best buy or Fry's electronics or costco i have had good luck with Toshiba laptops too. WHen ever you buy a PC ensure you are buying Business class equipment. I have the Dell latitude (business) series laptop and its a solid machine.

Posted: May 4th, 2009, 2:46 pm
by hoofarted
kdizzle wrote: IMO the PC is just fine provided that the user knows not to click on every box that pops up from the internet and doesnt install every piece of software known to man.
No truer words have been spoken.

Posted: September 17th, 2009, 7:13 pm
by Rosco-Peeko
PC's work just fine...if thats your flavor. I am a certified Apple nut! I just bought my second iPhone (3Gs) and working on my second iMac. Going after the top 24" iMac. I still have my 17" iMac from 2007..."whitey." It works great and has zero problems. I am giving it to my mother....she has had crappy luck with PC's.

Fragile you say!? I would venture to say not! I took my new 17" MacBook Pro with me to Kuwait and Iraq. It survived stupid hot weather, dust beyond belief and 78% humidity on top of 130 degree temps. A little dust-it and iKlear for the LCD....perfect. It still looks and performs like it was brand new.

I use to wake to my roommate punching the hell out of his HP laptop...not that I am an advocate of this . I let him use my MBP t talk with his wife....he now has 2 Mac's. I saw a lot of PC' go tits up over there.

My iTunes Library is almost up to 100 Gig...makes deployments easier. iChat is unbeatable with staying in touch with loved ones. Skype did not really cut it for those with out a mac.

My screen shot....nice graphics! Not gonna beat a mac at graphics...

Damn u Bob! Bob sold me on mac a few years ago......

Posted: September 19th, 2009, 9:49 am
quit surfing free porn and you wont get virus's. I have had reguar machines.. and my 4 year old dell laptop will out run my boss's 1 year old laptop.. And i dont do shit to my laptop.. just smart about how i surf and clean up the essentials every now and again. A decent non memory intensive virus/spyware program does wonders. But whatever floats yer boat :D I just dont have much of a use for a mac

Posted: September 19th, 2009, 11:32 am
by Rosco-Peeko
ISBB wrote:quit surfing free porn and you wont get virus's.
Thats quite ignorant. Yes, while most malware/virus's are downloaded with spank material. That is not the only place you can get virus's (email, torrents, facebook, app's...etc). Have fun with your antivirus/spyware software, cleaning up the essentials and paranoid surfing.....

Posted: September 19th, 2009, 11:01 pm
by hoofarted
Rosco-Peeko wrote:
ISBB wrote:quit surfing free porn and you wont get virus's.
Thats quite ignorant. Yes, while most malware/virus's are downloaded with spank material. That is not the only place you can get virus's (email, torrents, facebook, app's...etc). Have fun with your antivirus/spyware software, cleaning up the essentials and paranoid surfing.....
PC is mainstream - which most malware is written for. Mac's have their place as well as PC's. It wont be long before some asshat gets bored enough to start exploiting mac's vulnerabilities. They're not bullet proof. ... rotection/

Posted: September 19th, 2009, 11:42 pm
Rosco-Peeko wrote:
ISBB wrote:quit surfing free porn and you wont get virus's.
Thats quite ignorant. Yes, while most malware/virus's are downloaded with spank material. That is not the only place you can get virus's (email, torrents, facebook, app's...etc). Have fun with your antivirus/spyware software, cleaning up the essentials and paranoid surfing.....
I am by far a paranoid surfer and i owned my own computer shop.. 80% of the virus malware problems coming into the shop was a result of daddy not happy with the wifey and had to find some release thru the internet lol. Its just a industry stereotype that sticks :pun intended" lol.

I dont have to clean up the essentials its not like an every time i turn on my machine.. maybe once every 3-6 months if i remember i delete the cache and clear cookies and what not.. aside from that as long as your a "conciencious" surfer you will be fine. but if you start clicking on adds just because you end up in a world of hurt. Dont get me wrong mac's have thier place and we can have this debate for weeks but for what i do a mac isnt feasable. Personally i run linux at home and dual boot it on the laptop only cuz the wife isnt familiar with it. At work im stuck with windows due to some proprietary software we use.

Posted: September 20th, 2009, 10:21 am
by Rosco-Peeko
ISBB wrote:
Rosco-Peeko wrote:
ISBB wrote:quit surfing free porn and you wont get virus's.
Thats quite ignorant. Yes, while most malware/virus's are downloaded with spank material. That is not the only place you can get virus's (email, torrents, facebook, app's...etc). Have fun with your antivirus/spyware software, cleaning up the essentials and paranoid surfing.....
I am by far a paranoid surfer and i owned my own computer shop.. 80% of the virus malware problems coming into the shop was a result of daddy not happy with the wifey and had to find some release thru the internet lol. Its just a industry stereotype that sticks :pun intended" lol.

I dont have to clean up the essentials its not like an every time i turn on my machine.. maybe once every 3-6 months if i remember i delete the cache and clear cookies and what not.. aside from that as long as your a "conciencious" surfer you will be fine. but if you start clicking on adds just because you end up in a world of hurt. Dont get me wrong mac's have thier place and we can have this debate for weeks but for what i do a mac isnt feasable. Personally i run linux at home and dual boot it on the laptop only cuz the wife isnt familiar with it. At work im stuck with windows due to some proprietary software we use.
Fair enough. You are correct, everything has it s place. I am stuck with PC's at work. I will say that I cannot stand them. That is my honest opinion.

I do a lot of supervisory work. Lots of paperwork, quality deficiency reports, dealing with Boeing/Pratt and Whitney. I am damn paranoid about not backing my stuff up every 5 seconds on anything that I have spent any reasonable amount of time on. Too many times right in the middle of tapping away on the keyboard...running one app it crashes or I get the blue screen. Talk about being so mad/hot that you can piss on a kettle and melt it.

I use to build my one PC rigs. I wanted what I wanted for internals and I wanted it to be fast. I got a virus on my last power PC. I did not surf the spank channels and was uber paranoid about everything on it. I have no idea how the hell it got on there!? Like you I was very meticulous with it. I lost pictures, documents and a LOT of music.

I went to Mac. I have had problem free computing for almost 4 years. They run very efficiently/fast, do what I want to them to do and more. I would almost say I have been worry free about my Mac's. I dont see pop ups, dont run any antivirus...I just let it go.

While they are and maybe not for everyone...thats fine. I am simply posting my experience with PC's and Mac's. Mac gets my vote of confidence. Its nothing more than a opinion.......

Posted: September 20th, 2009, 11:11 am
by AlisoBob
Rosco-Peeko wrote: I have had problem free computing for almost 4 years. They run very efficiently/fast, do what I want to them to do and more. I would almost say I have been worry free about my Mac's. I dont see pop ups, dont run any antivirus...I just let it go.


Posted: September 21st, 2009, 12:58 pm
by hoofarted
Stumbled across this...


made me laugh a bit. ;)

Posted: September 21st, 2009, 1:27 pm
by dannygraves
dude, that old guy knows exactly what he wants a mac for :wink: