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Adelanto Gp 2009

Posted: February 21st, 2009, 6:16 pm
by south central hoon

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 11:03 am
by AlisoBob
They dont post the results for a few days.... Heres what I do know....

Riding under the "Banned" banner were....

Me, Pecker, Mav, Brit, Arley, Solid, and RP.

RP lost his rear wheel, early in the first lap of the first race. Spokes were going "Ka-Plink"... Tough luck... but in Champion form, only blamed himself for not going over the bike better. He stated the wheel had a few rides on it without issue, but the great traction at the G/P was too much for it. He was swapping parts around when I left, getting ready for his next event. I'm sure RP kicked ass in that one!

Solid said he had a great time. I didnt see him on the course..... Their were 3 loooooong straights.... I mean LONG!. Solid said he was on the rev-limiter in 5th. On his 650, thats over 100mph!!! Hang on brother!

I didnt see Arley either. He's a solid rider, and I'm sure he passed his fair share ...

Brit looked good in his "Pre-Race" ritual..... Smoke in one hand, Beer in the other... Looking hung over from the night before... I heard he got a flat front, but dont know on what lap. He's easily the most improved rider on the board in the last 12 months, and he was really looking foreword to doing well at the G/P... Tough luck..... :?

Mavrick was quiet before, and after the race..... I have NFI how he did.

Pecker was looking foreword to two things.... the race itself, and the reunion with his beloved Jager afterwords. This must have been some motivation, as I think he rode a great race! I hope the results reflect this spirited ride!!

As for me? For all my life I keep hearing of the famed Adelanto G/P, and the much feared " Mud Hole Jump". Well, I went where angels fear to tread, and hit that fucker. Theirs a big berm you come off, down a short chute, right into the jump. Grandstands right there, for the fans to witness the carnage.

So, I come out of the berm, and the flag man is pointing to the left, to the " chicken trail".... Fuck that. I shake me head, and gas it! Stoffers voice inside my helmet says.... "Go Big, or go the fuck home!!!" As I near the ramp, a debate occurs in my brain that I'm taking advice from someone who wadds it up from time to time... Oh Shit, time to jump. Stoffers "Go Big" advice turns into " Go Medium" in reality. No sweat I think, I'll just plop down into the mud, and ride out.... No way!

This mud hole swallows me up like Jay Lewis downing Mi Tais...... gone.

This mud hole, is more like a mud pit.

I think I went over the handlebars, Pecker says there is a photo already posted of me coming down with my front wheel low, and kinda' crossed. Maybe I was going for style points?

Regardless, I eat it pretty good. I dont remember exactly what he said, but the announcer was saying something about that being..." one hell of a crash, and lets give him a round of applause! The crowd in the bleachers roars to life as I'm picking up the pieces. The guy with the job of pulling dead riders out of the mud is pulling my bike off the course, I'm pulling it back on...... I still have a race to ride!!! He's shaking his head... no way. I jerk my bike from him, two kicks.... I'm off.

As I make my way around for the 2nd lap, I'm riding quite slow. It feels like a 2x4 is between my shoulder and my chest protector. Maybe a rock got in there? Maybe the bone is sticking out? I'll check it out later.

As I come around the 2nd lap, people are cheering, as its quite appearant that I was a unsucessful in my meeting with the mud. The fans at the G/P are quite cool, and thanks for all the support.

So I finish the 2nd lap, and the race. Everyone at the mud jump looks quite surprized to see me back again. The announcer remembers me, gets the crowd going again...... tells everyone the get their cameras ready. The same corner worker waves me down the "Chicken Path".... I accept it this time. You know what? I should have done that jump again. The Chicken path was BRUTAL, and my shoulder is now killing me. I try to raise my hand to the crowd, no way... the pain is starting to get pretty real.

I pull into the pits, and everyone looks concerned. Eddie Cepek's mom looks at me like this....


I guess I was quite a sight. Long story short, Dr. Pecker gets 80 oz. of King Kobra in me... STAT.

Brit snappes a few photos, I'm sure he will post them up.

Some one helped me off with my gear, and a quick inspection reveals nothing poking out, but there is a curious lump of where there shouldnt be one.

RP comes over for a look. This is a Pro Hillclimber , World Champion to boot, and the worst injury I think he ever had was a dislocated pinky finger. He looks at me, half grinning, half "nice going dumbass..". He says " I'd have that looked at..." with a big grin on his face. I tell him of Stoffers advice... he grins more.

I watch my kid race ( He and Eddie) had a great time.... Solid loads my truck, and were off the the hosipital.... right? Wrong!

I have to get my ass over to Little League opening day, and I have a game at 3pm.

More K/K, some left over morphine from my broken leg at Evans Flats.... and I'm at the Fields. I felt like Coach Boilermaker from the Bad News Bears movie.

I'm going the the doctors right after I post this to see what they say, I'll let you know.

Ive been asked several times.... "Was it worth it?" HELL YA! I was the only one from the group stupid enough to hit it.

I did it for me, and all you Banned Members who couldnt be there...
I went to the Adelanto G/P to ride it.... all of it.

Oh yea.... Stoffers.... Great advice....


( :wink: )

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 11:36 am
by sabreguy
Bob you need to buy a damn helmet cam! :lol:
Great story though! Wish I could have made it but we had to go get an eight year and a one month old that will be here until the 5th.

HOON ON Brother!!!!!!

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 12:36 pm
by lewisclan
Nice write up bro :D

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 2:15 pm
by iggys-amsoil
Ya that looked pretty big for me bro, you have to at least clear half of it to even have a chance. I saw one clear it but was so out of shape after the bounce he finally went down and came to a stop at the end of the blechers. It was five minutes by the time he got up but rode away with a cheering croud. A couple of others rolled it and when over the bars when the tire stuck. :lol:

After Bob left it was usual drunk and disorder, disorder, disorder by Cepek and Brit. Brit won. :lol:

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 2:17 pm
by AlisoBob

This is my xray.... I need to see an Ortho.... The Sunday doctor thinks it will need surgical correction....


Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 2:23 pm
by AlisoBob
iggys-amsoil wrote: you have to at least clear half of it to even have a chance.
Cepek says he has the whole photo sequence from the photographer...

I landed in the first 1/3

Bounced through the middle 1/3

Dragged out of the last 1/3

I remounted and rode another 12 mile loop....

I heard of another guy who landed it, went into a tank slapper, and rode through the fence, into the grandstand.....

Wild times at Adelanto, Fo' Sho!!!!


Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 2:49 pm
by pstoffers
:applaud: :applaud: :applaud: :itsok: :urock:

Hey Bob,
All BS aside this guy is no joke...
Stanislaus Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Clinic
Jondy Cohen
609 E. Orangeburg Suite 201
Modesto Ca. 95350

He has fixed people like Rodney Smith, Paul Stoffers, John & Colby Ellett and many more. He will get you back on your bike!!!!! :wink:

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 2:59 pm
by AlisoBob
Thanks Paulie....

Heres a photo I made for the kids, so they can understand whats going on...


Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 4:04 pm
by Slomo
Well Bob- I'd rather say I had the balls to try something and got hurt than be a big fat pussy like Brit!
Hope everything turns out brutha- that looks like it should hurt :shock:

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 4:22 pm
by JBaze
So what broke? Collar Bone? Ouch dude!

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 4:48 pm
by Exnav
AlisoBob wrote: I did it for me, and all you Banned Members who couldnt be there...
I went to the Adelanto G/P to ride it....
As one who couldn't be there, I say thanks, but doubt that I am worthy of the injury.

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 6:08 pm
by britincali
Bob gets man of the weekend from me definate.

:clink: :headbang: :woot: :urock: :urock: :urock:

Very very ballsy move bob :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 6:12 pm
by britincali
I started a post in ride reports but its probably better here, delete the other one bob....

This year had to be one of the best, almost every who said they were coming showed up and found camp (danny,mfdb,stiles and tim you all suck)

Most of us showed up on friday and did a few play laps then a couple of scortchers the track was like a newly bulldosed landing strip and honestly 60% of it was just pinned wide open in 5th.

Sat race day and the track had definatly changed, the whoops were growing and 5th gear pinned stuff was now 4th gear hang on for your life shit.

I as usual sucked, my arms and hands went completly dead half way through the first lap, I had real problems doing simple stuff like pulling the clutch or turning the throttle, after the second lap I got the white flag and thought it was over, I pulled into camp and parked it :oops: :oops: :oops:

Everyone else did bitchin, definatly faster than last year!!!

I vote bob to be man of the weekend due to him pulling a robie kneivil over the water jump (much respect bobber that takes either balls or stupidity to hit that without ever even seeing it before)

RP and Austin Fox capped off the weekend by really representing in the pro team race, the track was HAMMERED and they were still flying!!!
If I counted right you guys should be at least 6th-7th :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: RP you gotta get Austin down again, he had me rollin a few times!

All in all a wicked weekend, a ton of pics and vid were took and Ill post up as soon as I get 'em :D :D :D

Im still buzzin :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 6:33 pm
by AlisoBob
britincali wrote:...much respect bobber that takes either balls or stupidity to hit that without ever even seeing it before
That wasent the plan..... I wanted to arrive when registration opened... 6am... leaving me 1.5 hours to unload, set up, do some track recon... and race.

My boy wouldnt get up at 3:30am, then I had to pick up Solid, and haul ass up the hill.... I think my bike was unloaded at 7:10.... the race starts at 7:30... So I hit the track cold.

I thought someone said it was a tabletop you can either hit, or jump onto, and then bunny hop down into the mud.... this wasent the case....

Dr. Pecker is sending me the photos tonight, I'll make sure to post them...

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 6:46 pm
by britincali
Hes got a frame by frame set of you going over the jump then eating shit :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

From looking at the pics you had the perfect speed for plopping right into the deepest part, any slower and you could have rolled it, any faster and landed it.

Im scared of it for a reason :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 7:04 pm
by AlisoBob
britincali wrote: you had the perfect speed for plopping right into the deepest part
Story of my life.....


Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 7:56 pm
by AlisoBob
Dr. Pecker sent me video of my crash....

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 9:02 pm
by arleybeer40
Thats a pretty good depiction of it :lol: I had a great time this year again. Got out there thursday at 2:30 got my self stuck with no one else around and was lucky enough to get my self out. Brit and team dns showed up at like 8. Me brit tox and mav preran the course a bit in my truck(mostly played in every mud hole we could find) some dudes we went driving by called us fags so we backed up and stoped and they did'nt feel like talking anymore :D . At some point hoofarted showed up(i think),thursday nights a bit fuzzy.Friday the petersons showed up, everyone was having a good time prerunning and talking smack. Saturday everyone up early, i went over and showed bobber how to get to camp. We all go and line up, i got stuck further back started 90th, everyone else is in the front 3 rows. Was feeling good on the frist lap and passed "solid" about half way through, caught teamdns(who started 2nd) at the end of the first lap but did'nt pass him till we left the little motocross park. Wanted to leave him out in front as the guinie pig cuz i did'nt want to find the jumps again. Passd him just past the first turn back in the desert, caught brit towards the end of the second lap passed him, then he stayed on my but into the mx park, and was behind me reving his bike trying to intimadate me and goes down on his own doing then pusses out and only runs 2 laps instead of 3 :oops:. 3rd laps uneventful except for running some guy over who passed me then crashed right in front of me. Went back to camp started partying and cracking up at bob. Brit: hay bob you did the water jump you crazy fucker.BOB: Yah i did the fucking water jump, i did'nt come here to be a f'ing pussy. I said i'd do adelanto and i did all of fucking adelanto! :rotfl: . After that it was party. Me and teamdns rode the little bikes over to watch the action at the mx park and i guess the cops were'nt to happy with me over something and pulled me over. Wound up getting cuffed and put in the back of the car, when there radios go off about something. They both look back at me and say "well sir can you walk that bike back to your camp cuz we got better shit to do than this." Get back to camp and and slammed some more jaeger with ryan and passed out. Guess he got pretty trashed to and passed out in the dirt. Sunday was chill and root on day. Fucking robbie and austin kicked ass in the pro race. On the way home the front u-joints on my truck decided to finally vaporize and i had to get off on cleghorn and pull the drive shaft out. Was a great weekend, cant wait to see some of the pics people took. teamdns has some helmet cam footage and i was gona try to post it up but dont have an sd-card to transfer it off my lap top.

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 9:19 pm
by AlisoBob
arleybeer40 wrote:Wound up getting cuffed and put in the back of the car
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 9:36 pm
by teamdns

( This is me, clearing the jump, thinking.... " I should have hit it harder!")
( Miliseconds till disaster)
(Im thinking GAS IT GAS IT GAS IT!!!!)
( Trying to save it..... its not working)

( I'm going in..... no saving it now.....)
( What goes " SNAP!" in a mud pit? Oh yea.... Me)
( Inventory check..... All seem o.k., sorta')


( "Hey buddy.... you need to pull off the track", my response... " F-You!")

Thanks for getting these Cepek.... Bob

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 9:43 pm
by teamdns
a couple of me


Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 9:50 pm
by T-REV
You got the video's of your ride Cepek?

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 9:52 pm
by teamdns
yup but only got in 24 minutes.....i thought i had erased old stuff. I'll post it up tomorrow.

Posted: February 22nd, 2009, 9:57 pm
by teamdns
here is 2 of my boy's ride
