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EVan Flats, Labor Day 2008

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 11:37 pm
by AlisoBob
Jesus H. Christ..... Where to begin????

Present were:

TTM Family
Aliso Bob Family
Team DNS Family
Sargent Family
SSH Jeff
catchmefucan Andy
First off, the drive out there sucked....Aliso Viejo , Ridgecrest, Evans Flats.

For those who dont know So-Cal.... Imagine driving from Florida, to North Carloina, to get to Texas....

WTF?? C. Pecker tells me ..."there is no good way to get there from here..." I 1/2 believe him, 1/2 think he's full of shit. I give him the benefit of the doubt.

We arrive Friday afternoon after much driving, and bathroom breaks.... The place is nice. TALL Douglas Fir''s with the wing blowing through the tops.... I didnt get any campsite photos, maybe some one else did...

The place is nice, miles and miles of trails like this.....

Also some steep hills, technical single track, and some Jeep roads.

So we ride Sat, I immediatly break my foot..... dont ask.. just sloppy riding. I felt about a 1/2 second out of step with my bike all weekend.... just couldnt get it to click.....


So , I make the best of it and spend allot of time with the kids... took them on a long ride.


Berlin, Riley, Jack, Trevor, Eddie, and the Facher boys Cory & Conner

All the kids had a blast....

Is was Berlins first time riding .. period! She had a great time on her new Purple Camo Quad. Notice in the photos , all the black faces.... Riding Evan Flats is like riding in black Talcum Powder. This place needs some rainfall...PRONTO!!

So we have our usual good food, riding, campfire chit-chat and movies. Thanks to Eric, we had an out-door Drive In type movie... cool projector!!!

Remember the trek in, and how it sucked? It was nothing like the drive out...

Thanks to our "Good Friend" Andy, we take his advise on "...driving Poso Flats Road down to Granite Road, to catch the 99. Its the way to go, I drove it in."

This was the worst advise ever given, in the history of mankind.... ranking # 2 was the suggestion by Hitlers parents friends to "Have a baby".

What the Hell were you thinking?

Poso Flats Road is just about 1.5 cars wide, straight fucking down ( We lost 2500' vertically in less that 2 miles travled) loose gravel, rock, and erosion filled dirt cow trail.

I wont bother you with all the details, but the fact is we were lucky to all have made it down alive. This is not being dramatic.

It took 4 hours to cover the 30 miles from Evans Flats to Bakersfield, and another 4 to get home.

Suddenly Cpeck looks like Einstein for his route through Ridgecrest.

But honestly Andy, WTF is up with those directions? You better have some kind of reply to make this right. At a minimum you owe us all an apology and an explaination.

We have wasted brakes, ripped off roof A/C covers, side-swipped body damage, and at least 1 set of fouled "Tighty-Whities"...

Its going to be real hard to look you in the eye on the next ride.

And thats all I'm going to say until I talk to you about this situation.

It wasnt all a drag however.... I need to mention one more thing.

Eric brought his two sons, Garrett and Trevor. Garret went on the "Big Boy " rides while Trevor being younger, stayed on the "Little Hoon" rides.

He rode sweep for me, at the back of the pack ( aka as the REAL dusty position) and helped me keep all of the Gromms on trail, and heading in the same direction.

In camp, he was always a big help, never complained about anything, was polite and courteous, and a real role model for the other kids.... ( Who I wanted kill at several times during the weekend.... even my own.)

Trevor, I just wanted to say Thanks, you made my weekend.... and I know how proud your dad is of you.

I asked my wife if she had a good time. She said she did. ... I told her she better remember this trip , because its going to be out first and only trip to Evans Flats... ever.

I'm glad this ride is in the record books.

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 11:52 pm
by Ported&Polished
Well, sounds like a great time, sort of. That foot looks fat, is it in a cast yet?

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 11:54 pm
by AlisoBob
Casts are for fags....

It was a good time, almost marred by tragedy.....

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 5:52 am
by sabreguy
Nice looking trails

Ugly ass feet!!!

Kids look like they were having a blast!!!

Bummer about the ride out I thought about calling Monday to see how it went but all I probably would have heard is you screaming like a girl!! :lol:

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 6:22 am
by AlisoBob
sabreguy wrote: screaming like a girl!! :lol:

Cussing like a sailor....


Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 6:46 am
by rpeterson
AlisoBob wrote:Casts are for fags....

Foot looks good, I've done one of those a few times before. :roll: So are you going to be in a wheel chair at Speedway?


Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 6:46 am
by Power_Stand
sabreguy wrote:
Ugly ass feet!!!

Kids look like they were having a blast!!!
Looks like a good weekend, well for the kids.

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 7:01 am
by AlisoBob
rpeterson wrote: So are you going to be in a wheel chair at Speedway?

$2 beers before 7pm..... I anit gonna' feel nothin'.....


( I dont think its really broke, I can wiggle my toes..... :? )

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 7:38 am
by lewisclan
Sorry about the road that souned like a total suck fest white knuckle ride

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 8:55 am
by dannygraves
sounds like a good time to me! Don't be a pussy Bob, you know the hairiest highway road in cail was a blast! My dad and I went up that same chunk of highway when I was a kid going camping with his oldsmobile and I fully thought we were gonna die by the time we made it to the bottom! :D

Re: EVan Flats, Labor Day 2008

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 8:55 am
by teamdns
AlisoBob wrote:
Thanks to our "Good Friend" Andy, we take his advise on "...driving Poso Flats Road down to Granite Road, to catch the 99. Its the way to go, I drove it in."

This was the worst advise ever given, in the history of mankind.... ranking # 2 was the suggestion by Hitlers parents friends to "Have a baby".

What the Hell were you thinking?

Poso Flats Road is just about 1.5 cars wide, straight fucking down ( We lost 2500' vertically in less that 2 miles travled) loose gravel, rock, and erosion filled dirt cow trail.

We have wasted brakes, ripped off roof A/C covers, side-swipped body damage, and at least 1 set of fouled "Tighty-Whities"...

i would not have told brit to go that way..even as a joke...real nice road WTF!!!....4 wheel low in first gear while on the brakes for most of the way down on a road that was hard pack and full of marbles. how in the hell did andy make it up that road is a mystery to me. i got to the bottom of the hill (thank God!) and waited for the others to make it, while waiting i spoke with a couple of locals that said "your not going to try and go up that hill are you?" i replied 'no i just came down it' "wow...your brave, why the hell did you come this way?"......sorry about the ac cover bob....i tried my best to keep it in one piece. give me the make and model and ill have a new one for you.

the ride on saturday was a little off beat for myself, i was so done by the end!....many thanks to bob with his foot all jacked up helped out with a bike hike on one section a few of us couldnt make. sundays ride was the best (even the goat trail, what at the time felt never ending). thanks for the fun trails mike!

even with the fuq'd up stuff...its always good to get out and ride with friends and family

Re: EVan Flats, Labor Day 2008

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 8:59 am
by AlisoBob
teamdns wrote:
even with the fuq'd up stuff...its always good to get out and ride with friends and family
I explained to my kids that adversary is what makes you even closer and makes the good times even better.

Re: that cover?

Its all good brother, the bill is going to Andy....

I cant thank you enough for all you did this weekend Ryan.


Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 9:02 am
by teamdns
well make sure when you give him a foot in the ass....its the swollen one!

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 9:56 am
by teemtrubble
As usual my family and I had a great time! Even with the drive out. Thanks to everyone for making it a great weekend.

Hoon of the day award goes to Bob with out a doubt helping everyone looking out for the Groms just everything... Thanks Bob!

I'm just unloading now and will chime back in later...

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 10:01 am
by AlisoBob
dannygraves wrote: Don't be a pussy Bob, you know the hairiest highway road in cail was a blast!
You know me Graves, I'm no puss.

You wernt there....

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 10:05 am
by dannygraves
AlisoBob wrote:
dannygraves wrote: Don't be a pussy Bob, you know the hairiest highway road in cail was a blast!
You know me Graves, I'm no puss.

You wernt there....
I know mang! just giving you a hard time :wink:

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 10:07 am
by AlisoBob
I dont like killing my friends....

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 10:16 am
by teemtrubble
AlisoBob wrote:
dannygraves wrote: Don't be a pussy Bob, you know the hairiest highway road in cail was a blast!
You know me Graves, I'm no puss.

You wernt there....
I did say it's the steepest grade in Cali but, I didn't say go home the way we did and I'm glad everyone made it out.

Your the man Bob!

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 10:16 am
by dannygraves
Bob after getting shitty directions

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 10:42 am
by AlisoBob
teemtrubble wrote:
Your the man Bob!
"Quick, Shut the door N!@@%&".....

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 10:47 am
by teamdns
AlisoBob wrote:
teemtrubble wrote:
Your the man Bob!
"Quick, Shut the door N!@@%&".....
that was some funny ass shit from the brotha hood

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 11:41 am
by teemtrubble
Hahahahaha my new favorite movie!

A special thank you to everyone from my family for making it and a great weekend.

I bet you buy a 4 wheel drive diesel truck now Bob!

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 12:22 pm
by "SOLID Bro!!"
First of all I would like to thank boB for the invite this weekend. It was the best time me and my boys have had in a long time. So Thank you, from the Sargent Family. Every body that was there was great.

I'm glad you enjoyed the movie it was perfect for the setting even the people in the next camp were jealous of us. Mike Thanks to you and your family for making us feel at home I feel like we been friends for a long time and the food was of the hook.

All was great until the dreaded drive home. boB, I trashed the undies when I got home. They started out as long johns by the end of the "HILL" they looked like a used up soiled G-string that was found in a hooker infested Back alley in down town Las Vegas. C pecker thanks for waiting for us at the top when I had NO BRAKES!!!! At the top of the last down hill. All you guys didn't have to wait but you did and I thank you for that.

I knew I should have turned right. :cussing:

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 12:31 pm
by teemtrubble
"SOLID" Your welcome bro we look forward to the next time.

Posted: September 2nd, 2008, 1:04 pm
by AlisoBob
[quote=""SOLID", Bro!"]First of all I would like to thank boB for the invite this weekend. [/quote]

Welcome to the club, yea..... you fit the mold....


( TTM + Solid Bro )