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Handlebars and grips

Posted: August 20th, 2008, 8:55 am
by Mad Dog
This plus this in a #737
equals little or no arm pump.
I had one of my longer rides Sunday and as sore as I was I realized now I only had one small amount arm pump and it went away pretty quick.
The 737 grip is larger than a waffle but a tad smaller than the 714. It fits me better.
I have been wanting to get a set of Flexx bars and admittedly have not ridden with a set. Besides the cost, the problem is the lowest height Flexx is to too tall for me and my BRP sub mount. The sub mount raises the bar 1".
I did a lot of looking for a bar that would help cut the vibes, besides the Flexx.
It came down to two, the Sunline with it's filled core and the Twinwall.
Renthall does not promote at all that the Twinwall cuts vibes but I couldn't help but think it would. With the outer core clamped and the inner core isolated. Or is it isolated, I don't know. Maybe the vibes are worse, who knows till ya try?
I ordered up the lower McGrath bend with plans on installing a bar snake and my Faast anti vibe inserts. The bar came before the snake did and when I tried to install the inserts, they wouldn't go. The bar is already filled with something.
I am not going to say everything is perfect and it's silky smooth, but it's better and right now I am a happy camper. :headbang:
I can recommend both these items. :cool:

Posted: August 20th, 2008, 11:39 am
I used to get arm pump and I figured it was the bar vibrations that were causing it, so I went to the sand dunes on the edge of town and grabbed a few lbs. of dune sand to fill my bars with. I taped off one end of my bars and filled them with sand leaving about 2 & 1/2 inches empty for handguard inserts. Then I dropped some silicone down inside to seal that end ( while still leaving the space for the inserts) After it dried I flipped the bars over, dumped out 2 & 1/2 inches of sand and sealed off the end the same way as before. The result = sand is packed in tight, plenty of space for handguard bar-end inserts, a tube of silicone is only a couple of bucks and my arm pump disappeared completely !!!

Posted: August 20th, 2008, 12:22 pm
Moose bars and spyder grips for me... :D Never had a bent bar even when i did a hill climber special at apex.. :D

Posted: August 20th, 2008, 12:23 pm
by teemtrubble
Sunline AV one bars

Posted: August 20th, 2008, 2:37 pm
I've been using the same Pro Taper bar for many years now. I installed it during a time my bike did vibrate and I can say without a doubt this DOES NOT dampen vibration. I can feel it flex during hard landings which is nice, but it doesn't do anything to kill vibration like I've seen advertised. As far as grips go I'm a big fan of Spider grips. Wide fat grips have been the neatest thing since sliced bread IMO.