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Perris 3/30

Posted: March 31st, 2008, 7:02 pm
by iggys-amsoil
Well they got late start today, either a lot of people showed up late or because there were 350 sign ups. Could be record or close to it.

There was 14 races today, the meat wagon and the red flag slowed the pace, those two doubles claimed a few riders but most were able to walk away, and they added 2/3's of the Vet track since the last race, I thought it was going to suck with all the flat tight corners but it was actually fun. As I had some practice there so it wasn't completly unfimilar.

I was going to helmet cam the first moto but the red light kept flashing on the record switch? Later I find the door for the tape wouldn't open and if I forced it, it would surely break. :x What to do, what to do. Probably better I didn't cause I just couldn't hit the one double that I was making my last practice there. It was just to unsafe with to many rolling it in front of me. I know I'm suppose to be out front. :lol:

As I figured with the new class a bagger would get it there. Finished like 50 seconds ahead of me in the first race. I guess its his turn to get some glory because he was always a mid pack finisher in the old class. I figure oh well, I'm lucky enough to have had some glory last year. Plus if one or two drop out for the series ending I could still take the second or third series ending. We'll see.

So I finished 4th in both moto's and actually felt better in the second, maybe cause I decided during the second moto to catch or finish ahead of another from the other class. We went back and fourth a couple of times then I finaly got he. :lol: Later I find he was last in that class. :? On a Gen II 250.

The last race was just ending when I pulled out just after 5pm. Glad I live only 20 minutes away.

No pics that I know of. :? There is a video of the track I'll post later.

Posted: March 31st, 2008, 10:17 pm
by iggys-amsoil
Ok here it is; Kyle here is running about 2:25 laps times to my 2:50. :(
But he's 20 something and making all the jumps/rythum sections. The race before he wasn't doing the big jump in the back but this time he got it. Maybe cause the take off was built up 3' more than before which I thought made it easier.
