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Another Aussie Hoon Checking In

Posted: July 21st, 2012, 3:42 am
by Jasper
G'day Hoons,

I picked up a 2001 CR500 a month or so ago, and have been having a great time carving sand dunes and spraying rocks at whoever will come trail riding with me.

Before a couple of months ago, I hadn't ridden offroad for 15 years, and decided to take the plunge and buy a few bikes so I could take my mates out riding.

No mods on the C5 yet, the stickers were already covering it when I bought it. When I am a little better at riding it I may consider a whiff of nitrous and a paddle tire.

If any other hoons in Perth are interested - we have been making trips up to Lancelin/Wedge Island to play in the sand. Hit me up if you want to join up!



Posted: August 13th, 2012, 2:11 am
by asteroid500
go hard knackers

Posted: August 14th, 2012, 3:40 am
by other
Welcome fella. Last time I tried to misbehave at Lancelin on an "apparently" unregistered bike, I had the Gestapo swarming all over me while it was STILL ON THE TRAILER ! ! ! All was cool once I had shown them that it was in fact full A class rego, but Jesus, they were on me like stink on a pig ! How do you go with that, er, 'eyecatching' beast ?

Posted: September 1st, 2012, 1:41 pm
by Jasper
G'day Other,

I have it registered as an off-road vehicle, so legal to use within the designated ORV area at the dunes.

Posted: September 1st, 2012, 6:22 pm
by Gusaberg75
Welcome Jasper,

There seems to be a few Hoons in the West now! it would be great for all to get together for a ride day somewhere.

Posted: November 8th, 2012, 5:21 am
by Jasper
Did any other Aussies make it to Carnarvon for the Gascoyne Dash?

I went for the first time this year, and volunteered to ride sweep on my WR450. (CR500 would not make the distance between fuel stops).

I got through about 200km of the 500km race distance before it pinged itself to bits in the riverbed.

Was great fun, I'll have to sort out a big tank and enter the race next year...

Posted: August 10th, 2013, 11:59 pm
by Jasper
Here's a pic of my 1996 CR5 set up for sand:


Rear tyre is a 'fat paddle' from Bykas.

It will now wheelie on the softest sand, up dune, down dunes... anywhere.