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Posted: June 6th, 2012, 8:11 pm
tomorrow i get to go to surgery to get my rotator tendon tear fixed , guess my bikes are going to sit a while , i didnt even get to gas up the 5hunny yet this year , was to busy playing with my new toy , dumb luck i got one of the sxf450 fe dungy editions , only got to put about 5 hours on it.......until old old injury finally gave up the ghost , guess being in denial for 30 plus years about how bad it was screwed up was ok , but now gonna be out of action awhile,,, any tips for fast healing would be appreciated ,,, never had surgery before ,, only broke bones / casts in the past... oh i can take the kidding on buy the ktm 4 poke , but never the less it is a very cool bike...

Posted: June 7th, 2012, 1:13 am
by asteroid500
listen to your Doctors, do your physio ( i cant spell for shit ), keep active - the higher blood circulation helps heal that - that needs to, listen to your doctors.

Dont eat shit food, you'll stack on the pounds ( wow i used an American table )

Oh & get well soon

Posted: June 7th, 2012, 1:20 am
by other
asteroid500 wrote: do your physio ( i cant spell for shit )
Actually Asteroid, you spelled that spot on, it's an abbreviation of physiotherapy. Just NORMALLY you can't spell for shit !

Posted: June 7th, 2012, 6:34 am
by redrocket190
2 years ago had Mumford procedure and impediment removed from shoulder socket. They nuked all the nerves in my arm from the neck down and it really helped with post-op pain. You have to be awake for them to find the nerve bundle so you will know whether they are doing this (or not). Do all the physio, but see whether they also cold-cuff your shoulder and give you electrical stimulation to speed the healing / reduce inflammation. When your formal physio is done check out for help keeping your should strong, but mobile.