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Pub Crawling

Posted: December 30th, 2011, 5:44 am
by scooter5002
Going 1400 miles across the country for work, so I thought I'd go out and see a few of the "crew" last night. I don't drink much. almost not at all, but it's good to go out once in a while and catch with the homeys and have a laugh and a cocktail. Took my honey with me, she more than makes up for what I don't drink. Actually, it's quite entertaining to watch her, and everyone else carry on, and not have a hangover in the morning.
Hit the first 2 places, it was pretty quiet in both, just a couple of the gang in them. Caught up on the latest, had a couple, told everyone what I was doing, and got the usual well wishes. The upside is I'm not actually moving, I'm just flying back and forth on my days off. At least once busy season is over, going to make hay while the sun shines. That will be tough enough at almost 50, let alone picking up and heading out lock, stock, and barrel.
So, off we go, trapsing into the 3rd place, always known to be a hotter spot, with a few more of the gang to be on hand. Sure enough, walk in the door, and it's happening! As we walk in, I look down at the 4th seat at the bar, and tell Karen "Well, Percy's here, so this should be fun." She asks how I know that. "Because Percy is the only guy to put his false teeth into his mug of draft while he's in the washroom."
Sure enough, no sooner do I get this out, and he pops out from behind the hallway. Sees me (I am 6'6", so I do stand out in a crowd) and gets a big smile on his face. Now, I should explain that Percy is in his mid 80's, but still sharp as a razor, and incredibly entertaining. He's our version of "Norm". Everyone knows him and loves him. Always happy and has a good story, but never bores you or gets on your nerves. Hardly seems like he's 30 some years my senior.
As he gets closer to me, I realise he's drunk. REALLY drunk. Which is unusual, because he normally just hangs out and entertains. He gets back to his spot and pops his teeth back in. Makes speech possible, apparently. I tell him that it's unusual he's this drunk, or at all, I've never seen it before.
"Oh hell", he says, "I'm celebrating". "Out on a TEAR!" Hey Andy, let me buy you a drink, and one for Karen too". Sure, what the hell. He orders up, they get to our spot, and we raise our glasses to toast. "Cheers!" We're just about to tip and I said "Wait a minute Percy, what are you celebrating? We can't toast if I don't know why."
Looks me straight in the eye and says "First time in 20 some years, woke up with a piss hard-on this mornig, I did. Rock hard, it was! BOTTOM'S UP!"
It's the little victories in life, isn't it?

Posted: December 30th, 2011, 6:00 am
by Roostius_Maximus

Posted: December 30th, 2011, 9:43 am
by britincali
Great! :cool: :cool: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: