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Some peoples kids!

Posted: October 25th, 2011, 11:19 am
by jbsleddin
Kids these days have no respect. Needless to say, I AM PISSED OFF! Try to make a long story short, helped out a local kid that needed his RM80 rebuilt. New crank assy all the way up. So he brings me the engine minus the cylinder which was getting resleeved or whatever he said, I never did see it. So I did the split and replaced the crank. Took extra care CLEANING EVERYTHING, motor was filthy. Reassembled it and gave it back without the top end, as his cylinder wasn't ready yet. I offered to finish everything (top end included) and install the motor and test fire, basically his guarantee, for $50 more. He decided his step brother would finish it, and turned me down. I charged him $120 for the work I did, and washed my hands. He brought it home, slapped it together, and from what I heard through the grapevine, seized it up. When I asked him what happened, he denied the seizure, but then later tried using it against me saying I was "admitting to screwing it up" by stating that it was seized. Anyway, he gets it running again, and shortly thereafter lost his spark. He had it posted for sale as is, "needs a coal", or coil if you don't understand textard. "It's like only a fordy doller part". Whatever, I e-mailed back, offering an RM 125 coil for $20, but said I wasn't sure if it was the same, he could try it and pay after, if it did work. He didn't know if the stator or CDI was the problem, and I was beyond the point of being WILLING to help at his house with no tools on hand, or picking up the bike with my own truck. I get another e-mail, "the coal doesn't fit". :? I wasn't sure if it just didn't mount up in the right spot or if the wiring was wrong. I suggested just trying to mount it with one bolt to ground it and try it like that, if the plug is the same, just so he knows if he needs a coil or a stator. Next text I get is the same, "I said the coal doesn't fit." :evil: I responded "sorry for wasting your time, should have known better than to go out of my way to try to help ungrateful punks." Then I'm "a fucking asshole, eh guy, and don't call me a fucking punk K!" I called the little pricks father to make him aware of the situation, as he was the one who called me in the first place, begging me to buy the bike or help fix it. He's a cidiot who doesn't have a clue about engines, just knows they take gas. Doesn't know how to raise his bastard of a son, either. 10 mins after getting off the phone, the little prick is back at me with his vulgarity. And he's supposedly 13. :evil: Now the bastard is inviting me to "come get it" :lol: , I told him maybe Santa Clause needs to give him some "coal" in his stocking. :lol: More cussing. I was at the point where I was ready to go there and punch his moron father out for being so useless. Am I the asshole here??? :x

Posted: October 25th, 2011, 11:52 am
by AlisoBob

Posted: October 25th, 2011, 12:49 pm
by hoofarted
Maybe they didn't have a drug problem...:evil:


Posted: October 25th, 2011, 12:54 pm
by Rhino89523
That one is not you, that is some poor parenting. Take some comfort in the fact it is not all kids these days. I have met Bob's children and they were both very nice and respectful to all the adults in camp, Jack even made my fat ass a delicious burger. I met Jay Lewis's kids and they were as nice a kids as one could ever hope to raise. His youngest I am guessing is around 16 even though he is as tall as a building. 16 is about that age where I would cut a kid some slack even if he was an asshole and Jay's kid didn't need it. It seems the Hoons around here are raising some great kids that would reinstate your faith in the youth if you met them. Don't let the bad apple ruin you, it was a nice thing you did.

Posted: October 25th, 2011, 2:14 pm
by Roostius_Maximus
my boy could hardly talk, must have been 1.5-2 years old, it was christmas and in the mall there was a little bugger throwing a fit. While I'm holding him in this lineup to see santa or something, he points at the kid thats 4 ft away and says "leather" as clear as day. The other father gives me this nasty look and lets the kid keep having the fit.

altho its never gotten to the point of using it, just the sight of it in someones hand will have him sitting on the floor and scooting away as quick as he can..................................



Posted: October 25th, 2011, 2:25 pm
by hoofarted
Recalling my childhood...

This was my mom's favorite:


And when that broke, this came shortly thereafter:


Posted: October 25th, 2011, 5:29 pm
by Mik329
I got my ass kicked by that phuckin wood spoon plenty. It's called a kuvacha in Serbian and my little foreign mom used it well :lol:

Posted: October 25th, 2011, 6:53 pm
by AlisoBob

Posted: October 26th, 2011, 3:24 am
by jbsleddin
I absolutely agree with the "drug" plan, that semed to work well for most of us. I call it "the fear of God", but it has nothing to do with your religion. Problem with this F'd up society now, is the parents get drug to jail for following the plan. :lol: I know there are good kids out there, but good parenting has to come first. If you don't give your child a Blackberry the moment it pops out of the womb, maybe you are in the right direction. :?
My first child is on the way, due in May, but already has a YZ 85 waiting. :lol:

Posted: October 26th, 2011, 7:15 am
by hoofarted
jbsleddin wrote:
My first child is on the way, due in May, but already has a YZ 85 waiting. :lol:
Awesome! Congrats (in advance) man. If you thought time went by fast now, just wait. The first year will be a blur!

Posted: October 26th, 2011, 7:25 am
by Tharrell
hoofarted wrote:
jbsleddin wrote:
My first child is on the way, due in May, but already has a YZ 85 waiting. :lol:
Awesome! Congrats (in advance) man. If you thought time went by fast now, just wait. The first year will be a blur!
Back in '77 I bought a baseball glove and some other stuff hoping for a son.
Didn't happen that way.

Later when she was about 10, I bought her an ATC70, a minitrail 50 and a CR60.
Also bought her a complete JT riding gear outfit in pink with her name on the butt. Girls can ride ya know :lol:

Posted: October 26th, 2011, 9:37 am
by Gmbond
I had a similar situation

My buddies nephews KTM 125 locked up. So I pulled the top end off and found the big end rod bearing had gone and jammed the crank up. So I pulled the motor and had the crank redone and new top end.

So I give the bike back and spend half an you going over it with the kid and lecturing him on maintainance and care and especially on proper warm up (used a wiesco piston) and how important it is to slowly let the bike warm up before riding it.

Sure enough. Not even a month later the kid was in a hurry to get to his buddies, fires the bike up and immediately wide open up the road... Cold sieze!

Posted: October 26th, 2011, 1:57 pm
by jbsleddin
At least he didn't call you a fucking asshole! I know kids can be impatient, and sometimes outright dumb, but the total lack of respect is what deters me from wanting to help anyone ever again. I have my own projects to work on..... :wink:

Posted: October 26th, 2011, 2:00 pm
by jbsleddin
My wife works with the little bastards father, she's supposed to get my coil back today. If you guys don't hear from me in the near future, I'm probably in jail! :lol:

Posted: October 26th, 2011, 2:48 pm
by Rhino89523
Write it off man, not even worth getting worked up over. That Kid sucks, the Dad is a weenie who can't wrench or discipline his kid....Karma enough.

Posted: October 26th, 2011, 3:24 pm
by jbsleddin
Rhino89523 wrote:Write it off man, not even worth getting worked up over. That Kid sucks, the Dad is a weenie who can't wrench or discipline his kid....Karma enough.
You said it, a weenie for sure. Thanks to all for the advice and the congrats. My coil is home safe and sound and I didn't do anything illegal. :)

Posted: October 26th, 2011, 3:27 pm
by jbsleddin
hoofarted wrote:Maybe they didn't have a drug problem...:evil:

I really like this post, so much that I reposted it on Facebook. Maybe some people will get the message.

Posted: October 26th, 2011, 7:16 pm
by gregrobo
a good smack on the arse never hurt anyone

Posted: October 27th, 2011, 7:00 pm
by dannygraves
hoofarted wrote:Recalling my childhood...

This was my mom's favorite:


And when that broke, this came shortly thereafter:

"Vigyaz a fa kanal!" followed by "vigyaz a papucsod!"
I remember those :lol:

Posted: October 27th, 2011, 9:56 pm
by gregrobo
my old lady had wooden spoons on the shopping list every week