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Lt. Luke.....

Posted: September 29th, 2011, 5:47 am
by AlisoBob
Today in 1918: After destroying a number of enemy aircraft within 17 days, Lt. Frank Luke of the 27th Aero Squadron volunteered to go on a patrol to shoot down German balloons. Despite an attack by enemy fighters, he successfully shot down a balloon. Severely wounded, Lt. Luke continued toward other targets where ground fire brought him down. On the ground, the Germans asked him to surrender, but Lt. Luke drew a pistol and was killed in a gunfight with German soldiers. He received the Medal of Honor posthumously.

We need more guys like Lt. Luke in Congress..... ... asp?id=711

Posted: September 29th, 2011, 9:49 am
by Tharrell
That was good.
We need more like that everywhere.