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9-11 reflection

Posted: September 9th, 2011, 5:18 pm
by bgraley
hey guys, here is a write up i did for work. this is part of my blog post i do, but i feel it is the least i can do in honor of the anaversary of 9-11.
Just wanted to share with you all.

9-11 Ten years later, a few thoughts and reflections.


Here we are. As I sit here thinking about words to use to express my thoughts and emotions, feeling completely inadequate, I have sought the help of my collogues at Daytec Center for help putting into words, the thoughts which may be indescribable about the anniversary of 9-11. The overwhelming theme of all those I spoke with was the utter devastation and confusion in regards to the terrorist attacks on September 11th 2001. No one really expects the safety of the country we live in to be jeopardized in such a way as this. The cold reality is, we were not prepared for the jolt of the attack on 9-11.

So 10 years later, time has gone by so fast, I can hardly fathom the fact. Here are the thoughts of some of the staff at Daytec. Let me attempt to put into just a few words the feelings and thoughts that could not fully be covered by these few short sentences and paragraphs.

Tony Day-

I have such pride in my country. What a place to give us the freedom to create a name for ourselves in an industry. America gives us the highest quality products and machines to build what we do. I know I am so fortunate to have what I do; my Freedom, my life, my work. I have such a respect for those who have given this to me, and a Pride for the country we have. Thank you.

Tony Younger-

The events on that day were absolutely unforgettable. I had at the time a TV alarm clock. I woke up to the news that the first tower had been hit. What a harsh awakening. There are times in history that we will never forget. I was and am still completely blown away by the reality of the devastation. I remember the phone call telling me the towers had fallen. I didn’t know what that meant. The thought didn’t make sense to me. My heart goes out to all involved. Nobody should have to be put through that Hell.

Adam Jenkins-

I remember where I was. I was in the 5th grade at school. We were going into the chapel at my private school and we passed a window that we were not supposed to see into. I saw the live CNN reporting but didn’t understand. I thought, “I have never seen that movie”… I didn’t realize this could be reality. They only shared parts of the information, but told us this was a day that would change our lives forever.

Phil Day-

I have such a love for this country and the men and women who serve us. I have a memory that will never leave me; in fact I asked God that I wouldn’t forget, because it had such an impact on me. I had just come back to the states from Vietnam where I had been serving during the war. When I was walking away from the plane I rode home on, I was moved by a love and respect for this country we live in. I think some people forget what we have in America, the freedom, the life. If you have ever lived somewhere else and seen the struggle the people may have to simply live life, you quickly get a picture of how fortunate we are to live in the United States. I cannot say enough in support of our troops and our veterans. Thank you just does not cut it. This weekend, we need to remember the loss of 9-11. We need to reflect on what we have, because it did not come without a huge price.

Sandy Day-

I always remember the tragedy. Events like this make me realize how fortunate I am to live in America though. We are so blessed to have the freedom we do. It just breaks my heart that it takes a travesty like this to pull our nation together. We need not forget the lives that we lost and the families that were changed forever. I am so grateful for the freedom we have to worship God the way we do. The rights we have as a country. I cannot say thank you enough to the men and women who serve to keep that freedom for us. I would not want to live anywhere else.

I know I have not done justice to the reality of the individuals here and the feelings they have toward our country and the tragedy being remembered this Sunday. I personally can not express my gratitude for those men and women who serve and have given their lives to our country… to me. I remember driving to my senior year of high school listening to the radio, incapable of comprehending what was happening to our nation. I wish things like this could have been prevented, but lets make sure to take some time this weekend to think about the events of just ten years ago. Send a thought and a prayer to the families who have lost in this time of grief and remembrance, and remember to be proud of our country. Don’t let the day go by without being thankful, bad situations and all, for what we have and who we are as a nation. We will continue to overcome adversity as it comes. Where ever you stand politically does not matter. I would encourage you to be thankful for those who are giving, and have given their lives for you.

God bless America… thank you


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