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Posted: July 29th, 2011, 4:10 am
by thestuz
well it looks like Americas debt problem is finally being paid the attention it has long ago deserved.
some are calling it the final armageddon of the financial system as america knows it. some are still refusing to recognise it with the respect it deserves.

one thing i feel is that if you choose to actually pay the debt, you are looking at some very cruel austerity meassures that will probably end the american lifestyle as most of you all know it for a very long time.

on the other hand, you could just stick it up the arse of the financial world and forfeit your debt. and start a clean slate.

or option 3, just raise the debt ceiling and delay the pain for another year.

i think these next few months are going to be very decisive in deciding americas long term future.

either way, i dont post here much anymore, but just wanted to wish you guys all the best over there and hope yous all pull through it all without too much financial grief. good luck.

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 7:58 am
by Tharrell
The only lifestyle that will be affected are all the moochers we have in our country.
They're gonna have to get off their asses and be productive or go live under a bridge somewhere.
btw=Where the hell have you been?


Posted: July 29th, 2011, 8:38 am
by AlisoBob
thestuz some very cruel austerity meassures that will probably end the american lifestyle as most of you all know it for a very long time.
I'm betting austerity would improve my lifestyle.

I know id would increase ammo sales.

Tharrell's right, piss on the mooches.....

The losers of austerity?

The countries we give billions to. ... gn-aid.htm

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 11:45 am
by 2strokeforever
wtf are they doing handing out money when there visa is maxed out?

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 1:19 pm
by britincali
Im so worried about the econamy that I just bought a vette :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 5:16 pm
by thestuz
britincali wrote:Im so worried about the econamy that I just bought a vette :lol: :lol: :lol:

like this ;)

i guess if your in the right game youll be alright.

i heard each U.S. citizen's share of the national debt is $36,127.50
that sounded bad.

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 6:23 pm
by Rhino89523
36G Man thats how much they take out of my ass every year....get the mooches to anti up and all will be just fine. I'm so worried about it I'm headed to Pismo to cry on the beach with other tax paying job holding Hoons.

It's kind of the great thing about riding dirtbikes....weeds out the jobless riff raff, you have to pay to play, Hoons get it.

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 6:41 pm
by NightBiker07
Rhino89523 wrote: It's kind of the great thing about riding dirtbikes....weeds out the jobless riff raff, you have to pay to play, Hoons get it.
When you go to a riding area, the people there are all there for the same reason, and the people are always a joy to be around. unlike if you go to the bar, movies, the races etc....(unless youre the one racing)

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 9:48 pm
by 2strokeforever
unlike if you go to the bar, movies, the races etc
must be a supercross thing cause all the people at the races here are cool

Posted: July 30th, 2011, 9:51 am
by NightBiker07
2strokeforever wrote:
unlike if you go to the bar, movies, the races etc
must be a supercross thing cause all the people at the races here are cool
usually people that watch SX/MX ride. i havent met too many dirt bike spectators that have never rode a dirt bike before.

People that watch nascar and other auto racing, 90% or more have probably never raced in their life. when you get worthless drunks and hicks at a huge event....

Posted: July 30th, 2011, 12:51 pm
by Tharrell
NightBiker07 wrote:
2strokeforever wrote:
unlike if you go to the bar, movies, the races etc
must be a supercross thing cause all the people at the races here are cool
usually people that watch SX/MX ride. i havent met too many dirt bike spectators that have never rode a dirt bike before.

People that watch nascar and other auto racing, 90% or more have probably never raced in their life. when you get worthless drunks and hicks at a huge event....
I don't feel bad about highjacking this thread because I solved it in my first post.

I went to ONE Nascar race in my life.
Martinsville VA sometime in 1992
I was in the 4th turn about 4 rows from the bottom.
Constantly getting stung by burning rubber flying off the track.
Hillbilllys above me constantly throwing half eaten chicken legs at the fence trying to get them to stick, and beer cans with backwash in them.
Then while leaving, asshole to elbow cramped together under the grandstands some dickwad empties his cooler above us.
Then, trying to get out of a hilly, dirt parking lot with a bunch of drunk asses who are all jacked up now revving their engines and moving 3 inches..........for 3 hours. No shit.
I love just about any form of racing but sometimes the crowd is not my kind of people.

Posted: July 31st, 2011, 8:56 pm
by AlisoBob

Here ya go Stutz.... U.S. taxpayers providing the "American Dream" for you buddies....

Posted: July 31st, 2011, 11:43 pm
by thestuz
AlisoBob wrote:

Here ya go Stutz.... U.S. taxpayers providing the "American Dream" for you buddies....
that is only 225 mill? thats nothing in the scheme of things.
the first ten days in the lybian conflict cost you twice as much as that.
building programes like that are a good way of reducing the unemployment during a recession imo. much better that spending trillions on wars and billions in foreign aid.
your paying americans to build with american the money stays in america. and your gov makes most of the money back in the long term from rent right?
at least thats how it works over here.
the fact that immigrants get to live there off social benefits. well thats another issue.
personally, i think migrants should be shipped back to where they came from.

i thought it was the tax cuts that bush gave out in 2001 that started the problems? less income to pay the debts!