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This Preist shit is never going stop......

Posted: March 11th, 2011, 6:56 am
by AlisoBob ... /?hpt=Sbin

Any everyone is all up in arms of Islam........

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Posted: March 11th, 2011, 9:15 am
by bgraley
I saw this on TT the other day and didn't want to get into it cause there were already like 500 posts. THis stuff really pisses me off. The retard "clergy" do stupid stuff like this and makes it look like all christians are pedifiles. It makes it really uncomfortable to talk about being a pastor when this is the kind of stuff the media shows the people. It is news worthy, and these guys need to be punished heavily. but the media never talks about the good stuff, only the bad.

Posted: March 11th, 2011, 10:18 am
by Rhino89523
bgraley wrote:I saw this on TT the other day and didn't want to get into it cause there were already like 500 posts. THis stuff really pisses me off. The retard "clergy" do stupid stuff like this and makes it look like all christians are pedifiles. It makes it really uncomfortable to talk about being a pastor when this is the kind of stuff the media shows the people. It is news worthy, and these guys need to be punished heavily. but the media never talks about the good stuff, only the bad.
I am not a religious guy at all but my Grandparents were Catholic. Say what you want about the Catholic Church but my Grandparents were great people, heavy into community, giving back etc. It just bums me out when I keep seeing this stuff because I know both of them are turning in their graves.....this is not at all what the Church was about for them and many of the good people who attend Catholic Churches or any of the other denominations for that matter. I don't know about Church at all but it seems like they need to loosen up some rules and let these guys get laid.

Posted: March 11th, 2011, 10:23 am
by AlisoBob
bgraley wrote:..makes it look like all christians are pedifiles.
It makes all Cathloics look like pedifiles because fuck ups like Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahoney. That guy has spent his lifetime protecting molesters and keeping them out of jail, and on the job.

I have a hard time believing in "God" when scum like him and others work for the big man in the sky..... and diddle all these kids. ... edator.php

Posted: March 11th, 2011, 10:25 am
by bgraley
I am not putting down catholics. I am, like you said frustrated with the celibacy rules they have. It doesn't make sence. also, it isn't biblical. I really think the issues we have seen in the past few years with priests is the lack of sex. I am married, andwhen i don't get enough, I get cranky. these guys are trying to live their lives like this... that is crazy to me. i am not putting anyone down other then the guys who do stupid stuff. there is nothing wrong with being catholic, or any other christian religion... just don't take advantage of kids... or any one else for that mater.

Posted: March 11th, 2011, 10:28 am
by bgraley
I have a hard time believing in "God" when scum like him and others work for the big man in the sky..... and diddle all these kids.
That is exactly what i am talking about. the reality though bob, is they are not working for God. they are just pretending to. I have seen many churches fall apart because of the arrogence of a fake pastor.

Posted: March 11th, 2011, 10:31 am
by AlisoBob
bgraley wrote:I am not putting down catholics.
I am...... because everyone I've ever met has kept their mouths shut the entire time this shit has been going on.

If I were catholic, I would raise hell until my local church removed itself from the Catholic Diocese all together.

Mormons, jews, muslim, Baptist, Lutheren.... NONE of them have issues with raping kids, and then protecting the fucking priest doing it.

This is a 110% Catholic issue..... From the Pope down......

Posted: March 11th, 2011, 10:34 am
by AlisoBob
Rhino89523 wrote:Say what you want about the Catholic Church but my Grandparents were great people, heavy into community, giving back etc.
The majority are, which is why I am dumbfounded that it has gone on for 40+ years.....

Its insane......

Posted: March 11th, 2011, 10:36 am
by bgraley
Yeah i agree that it is a catholic issue, but the catholic church is so large and so old, it has been in controversy since the 1300's if not before. You are right though bob, people in the organization need to riase some issues. I believe these men need to be taken out of leadership so they can heal the issues that are obviously going on. but i also believe they need to be punished and held accountable for their actions. The church does not, and should not have the power to protect individuals from judicial punishment.

Posted: March 11th, 2011, 10:36 am
by AlisoBob
bgraley wrote:... is they are not working for God.
Every Pope for the last 40 years has done the same thing... protect rapists.... Its rotten from the top down.

Posted: March 11th, 2011, 10:58 am
by Rhino89523
It makes me glad that my Dad left the Catholic Church or I may have been a kid getting his junk diddled.

Posted: March 11th, 2011, 11:27 am
by AlisoBob
Matt..... your crazy.

Matt 1

Mr. Rapist Preist 0

Posted: March 25th, 2011, 9:58 pm
by NightBiker07
AlisoBob wrote:
Mormons, jews, muslim, Baptist, Lutheren.... NONE of them have issues with raping kids, and then protecting the fucking priest doing it.
Nah, the muslims just marry 9 year technically, it isnt rape, right?

and I agree 110% on the catholic thing.....WTF is up with the guys being celibate, and why is heterosexual sex forbidden, but somehow homosexual isnt? Fucking tards.....

Posted: March 26th, 2011, 5:04 pm
by bgraley
nd I agree 110% on the catholic thing.....WTF is up with the guys being celibate, and why is heterosexual sex forbidden, but somehow homosexual isnt? Fucking tards.....
They are taking a passage of the bible out of context. They use a passage where paul says to remain celibate if possible so you can focus all your time on god. he then says if it's not for you, get married. I don't know about the gay stuff though. The bible doesn't say to stay single. sex, acording to the bible, is designed to be great. God made it for us. cool...

Posted: March 26th, 2011, 6:31 pm
by AlisoBob
bgraley wrote: God made it for us.

Posted: March 26th, 2011, 6:35 pm
by AlisoBob
Which would be worse???

Preist rape, or Clown rape? ... %7Corder:5


Jose Guadalupe Jimenez, in his clown persona "El Tin Larin," was arrested Friday on allegations that he raped a 12-year-old girl in 2002 while dressed in full clown makeup and costume.

Posted: March 27th, 2011, 3:40 pm
by Rosco-Peeko
Unfortunately, I think some of the churches these days are out to make a buck. Ronny's "old" church in Spanaway. It was freaking huge...tons of people went. While most of the people that went honestly wanted to hear the word of god, the pastor was a shithead.

He had a harem of Korean ladies I am sure he was banging. During sermons this guy would holler and yell and flap his fucking arms like he was on a cross or something. It was damned insulting. The yelling and hollering pissed me off. Then, I heard he had some ass pain because he was not being paid enough. I stopped going after the 3rd time. I only went for Ronny.

This church had a huge deaf following as well. He told them he did not want them to come around anymore. This caused quite the uprising.

I dont put any faith really in churches. A lot of them have their agenda which is a complete distortion of what its supposed to be. That and not keeping their meatpipes to themselves. Fuckers should be shot on sight. I figure if you live your life in a respectable manner and dont be a jack-off you'll be ok.

Posted: March 30th, 2011, 12:11 pm
by AlisoBob

Jesus is now handing out orgasms.....

:D :D :D

Posted: April 8th, 2011, 9:33 am
by AlisoBob

Posted: April 8th, 2011, 9:50 am
by Rhino89523
A game the whole family can play :lol: It was a second cousin...thats actually legal to marry in every state, still gross.