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Thank Your Military

Posted: October 20th, 2010, 1:18 pm
by hoofarted

Posted: October 20th, 2010, 4:20 pm
by Tharrell
Thank you for watching!
You are the 7196809th person to watch.

Pause the video for about 5 minutes, that server is slow or all you guys are on it at the same time!

That was an EXCELLENT video.
I'm glad the general public respects our military now.

Posted: October 21st, 2010, 11:26 am
by lewisclan
touching indeed

Posted: October 21st, 2010, 10:21 pm
by "SOLID Bro!!"
A bumper sticker I saw today:


Posted: October 21st, 2010, 10:43 pm
by Rue
Thank you for watching!
You are the 7202435th person to watch.

We need to thank them more often, and pray for their safe return.

Posted: October 22nd, 2010, 1:29 am
by Tharrell
I saw that SAME sticker on a truck window coming home yesterday.
I want one.

Posted: October 22nd, 2010, 12:11 pm
by redrocket190
We're having a thank you event at the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu school because we are close to Camp Pendleton and so many students are Marines with many having done multiple deployments. I guarantee it will be standing room only.

Posted: October 24th, 2010, 12:25 am
by thestuz
yeah. we should show them how much we really care and BRING THEM HOME.

Posted: October 24th, 2010, 1:18 am
by Tayler89
thestuz wrote:yeah. we should show them how much we really care and BRING THEM HOME.
Bring them home?

Speak for your own lame country!!!!!! Your country isn't good for anything except disarming it's people and making them even bigger pussies!!

Posted: October 24th, 2010, 2:36 am
by thestuz
no shit.. my country is full of dumb arse, lame war preaching pussies that never even fired a rifle.

they are kind of like you.
they see soldiers marching and looking all pretty in uniforms and draw themselfs away from the reality of what war is.

and the reality of most war veterans is that war should be "avoided at all costs".
not glorified by softcock pussies back home that dont have the understanding or the balls to go there them selfs.

ask all your soldiers serving in iraq what they want,and it wont be a fucking lame arse hug from doughie civies back home!!!
i bet i know what the answer will be. to get there fucking arse out of there.
at least thats what all of our war vets say.

and judging by the cavlier attitude your slipping again, its obvious you wouldnt know what our country is good at.

on another note, that is a good sound track.

Posted: October 24th, 2010, 2:58 am
by thestuz
judging by the new homo laws being pushed through your courts atm, this will be the next army recruitment film clip.

:D :D :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
just jokes

Posted: October 24th, 2010, 3:38 am
by Tharrell
Here we go again.
No, most veterans do not prefer to avoid war at all costs.
We prefer to get the fucking job done.
Why in the hell are YOU responding to an American issue and you KNOW is very dear to our hearts?
Why don't you mind your own business?
This issue is OURS and you have no right to even comment on it.
I know the answer already.
You will no doubt post numerous times in a row just like you always do.
I don't care if you ride a 500 period.
I just don't fucking like you man.

Just walk away asshole.

Posted: October 24th, 2010, 4:21 am
by thestuz
Tharrell wrote:Here we go again.
No, most veterans do not prefer to avoid war at all costs.
We prefer to get the fucking job done.
Why in the hell are YOU responding to an American issue and you KNOW is very dear to our hearts?
Why don't you mind your own business?
This issue is OURS and you have no right to even comment on it.
I know the answer already.
You will no doubt post numerous times in a row just like you always do.
I don't care if you ride a 500 period.
I just don't fucking like you man.

Just walk away asshole.

yeah i understand you do want to get the job done. me too, but what is the fucking job over there anymore?it keeps fkn changing every month.
does anyone still know wtf it is?
the war on terror is global, australia is fighting in it and paying full price i kinda do have a legit interest/comment.unfortunatly, we wont be smart enough to get out untill you guys do.

you dont have to like me mate, means fuck all to me over just doin posts out of curiosity cos i like to see how you ameros tick.( had to see if you were all like george.w., in your case i was right)

i just figured instead of handing out faggot arsed hand shakes,and keep sending them back. we could possibly end the war, save trillions, and bring them home safe?
i heard it was something like 5 marines suicide every week over in fort hood cos they cant deal with going back over there.... that says something

Posted: October 24th, 2010, 7:42 am
by bearorso
Tharrell wrote:Here we go again.
No, most veterans do not prefer to avoid war at all costs.
We prefer to get the fucking job done.
Why in the hell are YOU responding to an American issue and you KNOW is very dear to our hearts?
Why don't you mind your own business?
This issue is OURS and you have no right to even comment on it.
I know the answer already.
You will no doubt post numerous times in a row just like you always do.
I don't care if you ride a 500 period.
I just don't fucking like you man.

Just walk away asshole.
No sport, it is OUR bloody issue as well.

Look to who your bloody allies are, and see that they Are being maimed and Are dieing during the same campaign.

I have friends in Afghanistan, and Iraq. Mainly in the RAAF, but a young man that I held as a baby, and cared for and loved as he grew up, who calls me Uncle Bear, is an SAS officer currently serving deployment in Afghanistan.

Pull you head out of the bloody sand.

This Is Not just an American thing.

I don't get involved in much of this toing and froing - I tend to see validity in most peoples views, as well as seeing, what I think, stupidity in many peoples views. On every side of the arguement.

Perhaps you have been unaware, or worse, don't give a fuck about the other allies that are doing a very hard and dangerous job, side by side with the USA.

What you wrote is utterly offensive to those of us who have been , consistently, allies of your country, through good and bad times.

As for Taylor89, come to Oz, sprout that shit, and you'll rapidly get the shit kicked out of you. And we have never been 'disarmed'. We just don't have as much gun ownership as you blokes - even well before a few campaigns / amnesties / buy backs run as knee jerk reactions to our, thankfully, rare gun rampages by nutters here. I'm a marksman - I love the enginneering applied to weapons, but don't need to have assault weapons.

Posted: October 24th, 2010, 8:51 am
by Tayler89
thestuz wrote:
Tharrell wrote:Here we go again.
No, most veterans do not prefer to avoid war at all costs.
We prefer to get the fucking job done.
Why in the hell are YOU responding to an American issue and you KNOW is very dear to our hearts?
Why don't you mind your own business?
This issue is OURS and you have no right to even comment on it.
I know the answer already.
You will no doubt post numerous times in a row just like you always do.
I don't care if you ride a 500 period.
I just don't fucking like you man.

Just walk away asshole.

yeah i understand you do want to get the job done. me too, but what is the fucking job over there anymore?it keeps fkn changing every month.
does anyone still know wtf it is?
the war on terror is global, australia is fighting in it and paying full price i kinda do have a legit interest/comment.unfortunatly, we wont be smart enough to get out untill you guys do.

you dont have to like me mate, means fuck all to me over just doin posts out of curiosity cos i like to see how you ameros tick.( had to see if you were all like george.w., in your case i was right)

i just figured instead of handing out faggot arsed hand shakes,and keep sending them back. we could possibly end the war, save trillions, and bring them home safe?
i heard it was something like 5 marines suicide every week over in fort hood cos they cant deal with going back over there.... that says something

I'm not sure it is America’s fault that your country chooses to back us up...(In some respects you owe us...but it is pointless to get into that). The point is that if you don't like your country being involved in the war on terror, then pressure them to stay out, but stay out of our business and mind your own.

You keep saying "WE" when referencing America...You are not one of us, and from your comments, I think it is safe to say most here wouldn't want you.

You hear what you want to here. 5 suicides a week? Where did that source of info come from?

Truth is that our military is completely volunteer, and our reenlistment is at an all time high. How do you explain that if our soldiers are so unhappy.

Ever wonder why our current president has increased troops and intensity in Afganistan and Pakistan when he is about as anti-war as one could get, and clearly campined to end them? It is probably because once he got into office and was privy to the intel and information you only believe you know, he realized that there was a serious problem and we had no choice but to address it.

Your stupid!

Posted: October 24th, 2010, 9:31 am
by Tayler89
bearorso wrote:
Tharrell wrote:Here we go again.
No, most veterans do not prefer to avoid war at all costs.
We prefer to get the fucking job done.
Why in the hell are YOU responding to an American issue and you KNOW is very dear to our hearts?
Why don't you mind your own business?
This issue is OURS and you have no right to even comment on it.
I know the answer already.
You will no doubt post numerous times in a row just like you always do.
I don't care if you ride a 500 period.
I just don't fucking like you man.

Just walk away asshole.
No sport, it is OUR bloody issue as well.

Look to who your bloody allies are, and see that they Are being maimed and Are dieing during the same campaign.

I have friends in Afghanistan, and Iraq. Mainly in the RAAF, but a young man that I held as a baby, and cared for and loved as he grew up, who calls me Uncle Bear, is an SAS officer currently serving deployment in Afghanistan.

Pull you head out of the bloody sand.

This Is Not just an American thing.

I don't get involved in much of this toing and froing - I tend to see validity in most peoples views, as well as seeing, what I think, stupidity in many peoples views. On every side of the arguement.

Perhaps you have been unaware, or worse, don't give a fuck about the other allies that are doing a very hard and dangerous job, side by side with the USA.

What you wrote is utterly offensive to those of us who have been , consistently, allies of your country, through good and bad times.

As for Taylor89, come to Oz, sprout that shit, and you'll rapidly get the shit kicked out of you. And we have never been 'disarmed'. We just don't have as much gun ownership as you blokes - even well before a few campaigns / amnesties / buy backs run as knee jerk reactions to our, thankfully, rare gun rampages by nutters here. I'm a marksman - I love the enginneering applied to weapons, but don't need to have assault weapons.

Listen, If you don't like being involved in the war, pressure your govt to get out. Don't presume to tell us what to do, we are protecting ourselves and our interests.....which we have a right to do.

As for our allies being killed and maimed….. Can you name one civilization in the history of the world that has spent more money, blood, and resources liberating and saving people from tyranny than America? You can't legitimately because there isn't one....not even close.

You refuse to see the big picture about what America stands for and the selfless sacrifices we make for others. You see a few things you don't like or may be uninformed about and instantly want to assume the worst. You may be a person that absolutely doesn't believe there is any reason for war, but keep in mind that it is countries like America that are responsible for the fact that you are not living in tyranny......Even though the socialist ideals that your country is beginning to embrace is a self inflicted type of tyranny....

I happen to use my "Assault Rifle" for hunting gophers. Does that still make it an assault rifle? I suppose it does if you are a gopher. If you love the engineering applied to weapons then I'm sure you would find "Assault Rifles" very interesting. There is nothing wrong with owning one simply because you find it cool....why is it that people believe that because someone wants one, then they must be wanting to kill people or have evil intentions? Your people have obviously given the govt the authority to make that determination for them......not my cup of tea, I'll take America.

When I was a kid in school studying Geography and other countries, the one I was most intrigued with and wanted to go to was yours. Your country seemed like a group of tough SOB's that took no shit and didn’t compromise their principles. Now, based on what I hear and read, you have nothing I am interested in.....And if Stuz is any indication of what Oz people are like and believe in, I either misinterpreted what your country was like in the first place, or you have compromised your principles and allowed your govt to remove your liberties. I would likely get my ass kicked but I call it like I see it.

Posted: October 24th, 2010, 3:52 pm
by NightBiker07
I have an assault rifle.

If the people arent armed to the teeth, what happens WHEN (not if) the government comes after us? we are defenseless. armed people are citizens. unarmed people are subjects.

as for rampaging psychos.....theres no way to avoid it. they will ALWAYS be able to get the tools for their rampage. so wouldnt you rather being able to have LEGAL access to the same weapons so you can protect yourself?

Posted: October 24th, 2010, 4:17 pm
by Tharrell
Allies? ha ha ha

Posted: October 24th, 2010, 10:51 pm
by thestuz
first of all, my point is that serving soldiers should get more respect than hugs and hand shakes.
there lives are more valuable than to send them off fighting wars thet dont have to be fought let me make that clear (eg.iraq).
if we really cared about our soldiers then we would bring them home from those futile wars. not make half arsed hand shakes to make them feel better about it all. jmo.

taylor, our country never wanted to go to iraq... 75% of the population opposed it. but in true democratic fassion, our leasder took us there anyway.
it was an unjust, illegal war not sanctioned by the u.n. on a country that had nothing to do with 911.

my information about the suicide rate at ft hood comes from an delisted ameriand medic who untill two weeks ago, i used to work with. that is the stats he told me.might be lower now the wars winding up.

and the reason yoiur enlistment is so high is because of the financial situation your country is in. in some states, its the only source of employment going, not because they want to go and sure they would much prefer to be building new roads in america than dropping $1000,000 a piece bombs in iraq.

you are right about ob "briefly" increasing troop numbers. this appears to be one last roll of the dice to try fix the mess that has been made. the trouble with america, is that they seem to create terrorism where ever they go.iraq never had terrorism before "we" "invaded"
it is to be noted that ob is pulling all combat forces from iraq within a year, despite the privi intell you conclude too.
and the afghan war is being scaled back as the u.s. army tries "negotiate" with the taliban for a solution. in some cases, taliban are being paid to change sides lol. same people, different uniform. pretty far from a victory, go figure?

as for your country being the saviour of mankind, and freeing/liberating more countries and helping, what a load of shit.
you stayed out of ww1 and refused to help britain or australia during the first few years of ww2. it was only untill you were bombed by the japanese that you bothered to enter. and only during the final stages of ww2, helped in europe.
russia spilt more blood and suffered more losses than you. but they dont complain.

as for assault rifles, im kinda glad we dont have them here. yeah i had to surrender my semi auto. later i also lost my gun licence for minor assault. but do i miss guns? not really. and its good to know not every psycho has access to them now.

you need an assault rifle to kill a gopher?

Posted: October 24th, 2010, 11:31 pm
by NightBiker07
thestuz wrote:first of all, my point is that serving soldiers should get more respect than hugs and hand shakes.
there lives are more valuable than to send them off fighting wars thet dont have to be fought let me make that clear.
if we really cared about our soldiers then we would bring them home from those futile wars. not make half arsed hand shakes to make them feel better about it all. jmo.

taylor, our country never wanted to go to iraq... 75% of the population opposed it. but in true democratic fassion, our leasder took us there anyway.
it was an unjust, illegal war not sanctioned by the u.n. on a country that had nothing to do with 911.

my information about the suicide rate at ft hood comes from an delisted ameriand medic who untill two weeks ago, i used to work with. that is the stats he told me.might be lower now the wars winding up.

and the reason yoiur enlistment is so high is because of the financial situation your country is in. in some states, its the only source of employment going, not because they want to go and sure they would much prefer to be building new roads in america than dropping $1000,000 a piece bombs in iraq.

you are right about ob "briefly" increasing troop numbers. this appears to be one last roll of the dice to try fix the mess that has been made. the trouble with america, is that they seem to create terrorism where ever they go.iraq never had terrorism before "we" "invaded"
it is to be noted that ob is pulling all combat forces from iraq within a year, despite the privi intell you conclude too.
and the afghan war is being scaled back as the u.s. army tries "negotiate" with the taliban for a solution. in some cases, taliban are being paid to change sides lol. same people, different uniform. pretty far from a victory, go figure?

as for your country being the saviour of mankind, and freeing/liberating more countries and helping, what a load of shit.
you stayed out of ww1 and refused to help britain or australia during the first few years of ww2. it was only untill you were bombed by the japanese that you bothered to enter. and only during the final stages of ww2, helped in europe.
russia spilt more blood and suffered more losses than you. but they dont complain.

as for assault rifles, im kinda glad we dont have them here. yeah i had to surrender my semi auto. later i also lost my gun licence for minor assault. but do i miss guns? not really. and its good to know not every psycho has access to them now.

you need an assault rifle to kill a gopher?
wow you are retarded. bet you can get a gun over there in no time flat if you have a big wad of cash and a connection to the black market......if the psychos want a gun, they will get it.

ok, so eliminate EVERY CIVILIAN GUN around, none on the black market, right? so what happens when the government gets out of control and "we the people" cant resist? Those who deny that it can and will happen are only doomed to repeat history.......

"illegal war"? that is the most retarded dumbfuck thing i have ever heard. its fucking WAR not a game of chess.

Posted: October 24th, 2010, 11:37 pm
by thestuz
NightBiker07 wrote:I have an assault rifle.

If the people arent armed to the teeth, what happens WHEN (not if) the government comes after us? we are defenseless. armed people are citizens. unarmed people are subjects.

as for rampaging psychos.....theres no way to avoid it. they will ALWAYS be able to get the tools for their rampage. so wouldnt you rather being able to have LEGAL access to the same weapons so you can protect yourself?
your right, guns dont kill people, people kill people.
but assault rifles help.

i dont have many enemies here in aus. the only fights ive had of late seem to revolve around jealous male exes of girlfriends ive had.
but it clears my mind to know that the only way he can get me will be in a fist fight. maybe with a bat or maybe with a knife. either way, my odds are much better dealing with a psycho with a knife, that a psycho with a gun.

and as for your gov coming to get you?
western societies are controlled through economies and financial burden/enslavery.if they want you to work harder, theyll just tax you more.
only countries that dont comply with western powers are the ones that seem to need weapons to defend them selfs from invasion. unless you live in africa :)
:) :)

look, if your really affraid of your gov taking you over then, removing the terrorist laws and patriot acts would be your first priority.the ammendments you approved are the legislation needed for gov it is, they can lock you up, take you away and award you with no rights over in cuba somewhere without notifying your family.
your assault rifle will be no match against your own army anyway.

Posted: October 24th, 2010, 11:49 pm
by thestuz
NightBiker07 wrote:
thestuz wrote:first of all, my point is that serving soldiers should get more respect than hugs and hand shakes.
there lives are more valuable than to send them off fighting wars thet dont have to be fought let me make that clear.
if we really cared about our soldiers then we would bring them home from those futile wars. not make half arsed hand shakes to make them feel better about it all. jmo.

taylor, our country never wanted to go to iraq... 75% of the population opposed it. but in true democratic fassion, our leasder took us there anyway.
it was an unjust, illegal war not sanctioned by the u.n. on a country that had nothing to do with 911.

my information about the suicide rate at ft hood comes from an delisted ameriand medic who untill two weeks ago, i used to work with. that is the stats he told me.might be lower now the wars winding up.

and the reason yoiur enlistment is so high is because of the financial situation your country is in. in some states, its the only source of employment going, not because they want to go and sure they would much prefer to be building new roads in america than dropping $1000,000 a piece bombs in iraq.

you are right about ob "briefly" increasing troop numbers. this appears to be one last roll of the dice to try fix the mess that has been made. the trouble with america, is that they seem to create terrorism where ever they go.iraq never had terrorism before "we" "invaded"
it is to be noted that ob is pulling all combat forces from iraq within a year, despite the privi intell you conclude too.
and the afghan war is being scaled back as the u.s. army tries "negotiate" with the taliban for a solution. in some cases, taliban are being paid to change sides lol. same people, different uniform. pretty far from a victory, go figure?

as for your country being the saviour of mankind, and freeing/liberating more countries and helping, what a load of shit.
you stayed out of ww1 and refused to help britain or australia during the first few years of ww2. it was only untill you were bombed by the japanese that you bothered to enter. and only during the final stages of ww2, helped in europe.
russia spilt more blood and suffered more losses than you. but they dont complain.

as for assault rifles, im kinda glad we dont have them here. yeah i had to surrender my semi auto. later i also lost my gun licence for minor assault. but do i miss guns? not really. and its good to know not every psycho has access to them now.

you need an assault rifle to kill a gopher?
wow you are retarded. bet you can get a gun over there in no time flat if you have a big wad of cash and a connection to the black market......if the psychos want a gun, they will get it.

ok, so eliminate EVERY CIVILIAN GUN around, none on the black market, right? so what happens when the government gets out of control and "we the people" cant resist? Those who deny that it can and will happen are only doomed to repeat history.......

"illegal war"? that is the most retarded dumbfuck thing i have ever heard. its fucking WAR not a game of chess.

no, you are wrong. you cant just get a gun with a big wadd of cash. it takes alot of time and police clearances. in which time if you were going to kill someone out of rage you would of cooled down or just gone around to his house with a bat.. trust me, it happens here often.
you can buy guns off the black market but it is no where near as easy as you think.

well our gov has controlled our guns and the gov isnt trying to kill us yet???
they just controll us by making us work 6 days a week to pay off our $400,000 home loans on 7.5% interest rates.

illegal war is a term imposed by the invasion of a country "not sanctioned by the u.n.".
the term was coined during the planned invasion of iraq.

Posted: October 24th, 2010, 11:50 pm
by thestuz

Posted: October 25th, 2010, 2:36 am
by bearorso
Tayler89 wrote:
bearorso wrote:
Tharrell wrote:Here we go again.
No, most veterans do not prefer to avoid war at all costs.
We prefer to get the fucking job done.
Why in the hell are YOU responding to an American issue and you KNOW is very dear to our hearts?
Why don't you mind your own business?
This issue is OURS and you have no right to even comment on it.
I know the answer already.
You will no doubt post numerous times in a row just like you always do.
I don't care if you ride a 500 period.
I just don't fucking like you man.

Just walk away asshole.
No sport, it is OUR bloody issue as well.

Look to who your bloody allies are, and see that they Are being maimed and Are dieing during the same campaign.

I have friends in Afghanistan, and Iraq. Mainly in the RAAF, but a young man that I held as a baby, and cared for and loved as he grew up, who calls me Uncle Bear, is an SAS officer currently serving deployment in Afghanistan.

Pull you head out of the bloody sand.

This Is Not just an American thing.

I don't get involved in much of this toing and froing - I tend to see validity in most peoples views, as well as seeing, what I think, stupidity in many peoples views. On every side of the arguement.

Perhaps you have been unaware, or worse, don't give a fuck about the other allies that are doing a very hard and dangerous job, side by side with the USA.

What you wrote is utterly offensive to those of us who have been , consistently, allies of your country, through good and bad times.

As for Taylor89, come to Oz, sprout that shit, and you'll rapidly get the shit kicked out of you. And we have never been 'disarmed'. We just don't have as much gun ownership as you blokes - even well before a few campaigns / amnesties / buy backs run as knee jerk reactions to our, thankfully, rare gun rampages by nutters here. I'm a marksman - I love the enginneering applied to weapons, but don't need to have assault weapons.

Listen, If you don't like being involved in the war, pressure your govt to get out. Don't presume to tell us what to do, we are protecting ourselves and our interests.....which we have a right to do.

As for our allies being killed and maimed….. Can you name one civilization in the history of the world that has spent more money, blood, and resources liberating and saving people from tyranny than America? You can't legitimately because there isn't one....not even close.

You refuse to see the big picture about what America stands for and the selfless sacrifices we make for others. You see a few things you don't like or may be uninformed about and instantly want to assume the worst. You may be a person that absolutely doesn't believe there is any reason for war, but keep in mind that it is countries like America that are responsible for the fact that you are not living in tyranny......Even though the socialist ideals that your country is beginning to embrace is a self inflicted type of tyranny....

I happen to use my "Assault Rifle" for hunting gophers. Does that still make it an assault rifle? I suppose it does if you are a gopher. If you love the engineering applied to weapons then I'm sure you would find "Assault Rifles" very interesting. There is nothing wrong with owning one simply because you find it cool....why is it that people believe that because someone wants one, then they must be wanting to kill people or have evil intentions? Your people have obviously given the govt the authority to make that determination for them......not my cup of tea, I'll take America.

When I was a kid in school studying Geography and other countries, the one I was most intrigued with and wanted to go to was yours. Your country seemed like a group of tough SOB's that took no shit and didn’t compromise their principles. Now, based on what I hear and read, you have nothing I am interested in.....And if Stuz is any indication of what Oz people are like and believe in, I either misinterpreted what your country was like in the first place, or you have compromised your principles and allowed your govt to remove your liberties. I would likely get my ass kicked but I call it like I see it.
Please read And try to comprehend what I actually wrote.

If you can.

You read a whole bunch of things into what I wrote that are not there.

I put out No position on the war in Afghanistan - neither for or against. I actually see the Afghanistan theatre as a very legitimate undertaking, that has been blundered badly. But, that, unfortunately, is the nature of war - a shitload of mistakes are made no matter what you do, it's how you overcome those mistakes that count.

I put that it does concern us as we are involved with the war, and our troops are being maimed and killed in it as well. Those 2 points are exactly what happens to a soldier - that's a risk they know is part of their job - something that a lot of people seem to forget. I grew up an army brat, and the other 1/2 of my clan were police. So I have no illusions about what the protectors of society have to do as part of their job.

What the fuck are you going on about tyrany etc? I made no mention at all along those lines - what the fuck drugs are you on, sport?

And then your bloody dribble in defense of your assault rifle. ? Once again, I said nothing against you , or others having one. I wrote simply that I have no use for one. The firearms I have, I have a sporting use for. I have no need to defend myself that I can see, but I sure as hell can do so a quite a lot of ways.

Socialist State?

Our politics are so down the line. through the middle here it's not funny. Neither main party is anywhere near a socialist doctrine - both are pretty damned similar. I don't comment on your set up there, but, from the outside, looking in, it seems pretty much the same, either way you go, just each side throwing hysterical labels at each other - it's the same here. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Both our systems are so bloody stable, and conservative, when you come down to it, that we represent as bastions of opportunity and peace to the rest of the world.

So read what I wrote, and stop being so bloody paranoid. I don't think I've read such an unneccessarily defensive/ paranoid thing in quite some time - as I said, you've read into my post things that are just not there. :roll:

As for Tharrell, ha ha? Well fuck you, you brain dead ingrate.

You should be proud to have allies like us - we punch a hell of a lot higher than our weight. Just ask some of your fighting men who have fought with Australian troops.

Posted: October 25th, 2010, 3:23 am
by Tharrell
This started out as a very nice thread about what some of our people are doing to show our military the deep appreciation we feel.
As usual, a dumbass from down under has to show his ass again and troll the group.
Please start your own threads and stop highjacking good threads.